Wednesday, March 29, 2006
So much
went to riverdale on saturday to see my aunt, uncle and cousins. had some wonderful food - rice and beans! got to see them again on saturday. they came over and we made summer pasta and empanadas. it was nice to be with the family again.
marshy's left leg is in really bad shape. i'm awaiting a return call from the vet. poor thing is barely walking.
crazy busy with work this week - so i may not write that often.
had an excellent meeting for a new website i'm developing. even walked out with a check.
here's some good gossip from AZ on Whitney Houston. Gotta love it.
Instead of appearing on the second season of Being Bobby Brown, Whitney Houston may soon be starring in an episode of Intervention.According to a bombshell of a new interview by Whitney's sister-in law, Houston has become "a half-toothless crack addict who hangs out in dangerous drug dens and sees 'demons' in fits of dope-induced paranoia."It's not right, and it's not even okay.What would Jesus do, Whitney?Whitney's sister-in-law, Tina Brown, says, "The truth needs to come out. She won't stay off the drugs. It's every single day. It's so ugly. Everyone is so scared she is going to OD."Uhmmm, Miz Brown. What about Bobby? He's just as fucked up too!Tina Brown admits she "did crack with Whitney" on many occasions, but Bobby's sister says she went s traight last Aug. 24.Tina says she ratted on her ex-"drug buddy" in hopes of forcing Houston to help. "Maybe this will save her life," she said.Scandalicious photos supplied by Brown, and reportedly taken in January at Houston's Georgia home, show a filthy bathroom littered with drug paraphernalia, including powder-coated spoons, garbage and debris.Whitney allegedly "spends her days locked in her bedroom amid piles of garbage, smoking crack, using sex toys to satisfy herself and ignoring personal hygiene."Gosh, if you're gonna be using sex toys, at least have a clean woo woo!The story also claims that:- Whitney hallucinates and sees "demons" when she's high. She bites and beats herself black-and-blue but blames the "Devil" for the injuries. "The Devil be hitting me," Whitney reportedly told Brown.- When Whitney's mom, Cissy, forced her to attend rehab sessions in March 2004, Tina Brown says, Whitney smoked crack on the way to the meetings and dodged the urine drug tests saying: "I'm not giving you no pee today. I don't have none right now."- Whitney allegedly loses her $6,000 set of false teeth when she's high and once appeared toothless, scaring the kids at her niece's school.- Whitney smokes as much as an "eight-ball" (1/8 of an ounce) of crack at a time, mixing it with marijuana encased in a cigar wrapper, according to Brown.- In 2004, a drug dealer called Bobby Brown and ordered him to remove the paranoid and out-of-control Whitney from his crack house. "Come get your wife. I'm sick of this bitch," the dealer reportedly complained.
Signing off.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
My Wonderful Creations
Here are my latest boxes:

This will be mailed to Andrew shortly. It's the second piece in my Fucked Collection. I went grassroots with this. Let's just state the obvious. For anyone who has been to J4.

My cousin Amanda's box. The stencil has a funky little pop effect because I used some special glue stuff.

The girls at my aunt's job call her the Burping Bitch. She drinks a tall glass of milk every night and loves chocolate chip cookies.
Some Pictures
It's quiet here in Ithaca this week. The Cornell students are all on break. Fairview Square is deserted. It was snowing big flakes when I took The Boys out this morning...starting to accumulate.
I'm nervous again today. I woke up with a raging headache. I mentioned this to Dan while we were still in bed and his response was, "Does it hurt internally or like someone hit you on the head?" Yes, this is Dan.
Dan and I have started to watch 24 the first season. We're hooked. What a great fucking show. Also, besides Shan, has anyone checked out the new show Conviction from ther makers of Law & Order? I like that boy on it. The one who was on 6FT. He's not really that attractive, but there is something about him that I like. Once I find out his name, I'll add him to the hot list. Kimmee is our official hot lits photo finder.
Signing off.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
David Navarro and Carmen Electra on the Rocks
Click on title of post for the full story.
Tuesday Is Therapy Day
And I missed my aunt's birthday last Monday. It's the second birthday I've missed of someone I deeply care for. And it's not fair that I forget because my mind is so off in some fucked up land.
I get to see my family this stomach is in knots.
Signing off.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Weekend Recap
Saturday we hit all of the waterfalls and I took a spill on some icy rocks at the Ithaca Falls. No biggie - just a scraped knee. Stopped myself from hitting my head against a rock. Baby came with us to Taughonock Falls. He was scared of the water. Poor little guy was so thirsty he was licking the muddy puddles instead of going near the fresh water.
Yesterday Emily and I hit the craft store and the Keebler Elf House. I also took her to my favorite spot at the 6 Mile Creek. Dan and I got into bed early with The X-Files.
Not more to write at this time. Signing off.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Celeb Mags
Went to new restaurant called Joes - delish. Sphagetti with carbonara sauce. Chicken breast stuffed with proschuitto (sp?)...delish!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Bring It
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Boxy Box Box

Amy's Box
This is just the top. It's square with a mirror inside. Two different colors of pink - second color sponge painted. Stenciled dragonfly.
Bright Red -
Stenciled sun in a mixture of colores - the stenciling didn't come out too great tho'
This was Shannon's original Birthday box - but idiot me - bought a warped box. Two colors of purple - Sponge painted. Stenciled Chinese symbol.
The Fucked Collection was inspired by simply fucking up. With no artistic ability, these hands tend to move without much much direction. The mind plays tricks as colors and shapes may work well in the head but not on the medium.
Many colors and layers of paint including - bright pink, magenta, blush and white - i think. The WHOA is carved wood as is the black heart
Blah - Wednesday
I woke up teary-eyed. I miss my mama.
It's only 11:30 and I'm 4 glasses of water in, a banana, 1 cup of joe and five cigarettes. This smoking thing is outta control.
Did I tell you that I've had heartburn for 6 weeks? It sucks. I down tums - I know it's the smoking. I've cut out spicy foods and cut down on coffee...
Moo's legs aren't doing well this week. He's taken to walking around and peeing - no more squatting.
So I'm reading The Secret Lives of Bees - it's quite good.
Dan's friend Chris is joining us this weekend. Poor thing. He's in a bad place with this divorce.
So I'm heading back to the WC the weekend of the 25. Cliff is taking his girlfriend away for the weekend. This is so wrong in so many ways. Ewwwww. Anyway, I have to go see my accountant and I really want to spend time with the kids. As my therapist said, is the relationship going to stop even if you say no to him?
More stuff to come later...Signing off
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Hot List Additions To Come
Has anyone watched the new HBO show Big Love? I recorded it, but haven't gotten to it.
You'll be happy to know I'm Lunesta free for 3 days. It was just kicking me in the ass. I could sleep for 10 hours and still wake up totally exhausted. Now, I toss and turn a bit, but I can get out of bed in the morning no problem.
I have more photos to post this week of Shannon's visit. I gotta get those from Danny boy. Also, I must introduce you to Tumor Duck. She's our new friend at Stewart Park.
New restaurants: Thai Cuisine - voted one of the best in NY State - excellent. Yerba Mate, a brilliant coffee shop that looks like an enchanted forest inside. It's one of the lovliest places I've ever seen. Their muffins are killer. Stay away from the Mate lattes though - they taste like salmon soaked in green tea.
I dreamt of my mom last night for the first time since she died. One of the side effects of not taking the Lunesta - I'm no longer in a coma and I really feel my dreams. I could hear her voice clearly and it made me so happy. I woke up shaking this morning though.
Got to throw on my jeans and head to therapy. Signing off.
Monday, March 13, 2006
It's Been A While
I am wondering where I want to go with this blog. The pulse of it has changed since my mother's death, and though I would like to get back to its original sense, I'm not sure how I can. I guess that's the other reason why I haven't written. I'm just so sick of words these days. I'm just so blah.
It's not to say that I haven't been doing anything. I've been doing plenty. Shannon was here for her 30th birthday weekend. We hit all of the waterfalls - Ithaca, Taughonock (sp?) and Buttermilk. We hit Stewart Park and the Cornell Plantations at 6 Mile Creek (my favorite walk). We had Mexican at Viva! We made Summer Pasta - one of my mom's greatest recipes, and my sister's favorite meal. We hit The Commons, Wegmans and all of the other Ithaca hotspots. HEHE. It was a good time.
I've made several of my little jewelry boxes - they are ugly, but I enjoy making them. I also really enjoy going to the craft store.
I just finished reading Dogs of Babel by Carolyn Parkhurst - excellent. I just finished watching Annie Hall, Hide and Seek and Maria Full of Grace. HBO on Demand is a fantastic thing. Oh and aren't we all thrilled about the Sopranos return?
I hired an assistant on an as-needed basis. She rocks. We also went to the movies on Friday night to see Failure to Launch. Not the best flick, but boy that Mathew McCaughaney (sp?). God damn. THAT MAN IS FINE.
Dan got a job offer for the summer. We're thrilled. He's been working so hard. His little brother is stopping by today for a lunch visit, and his friend Chris is coming this weekend. We'll have another full-house. It'll be fun.
I've begun to take vitamins and walk regularly. Hopefully I can get my weight issues back on track. The problem is that my only real comfort these days has been food.
I'm missing my family a lot these days. I want to be around the kids and even my Dad who I don't ever get to see when I come home. It makes me so sad.
I've tackled my mother's jewelry over a two week process. It sucked, but things are all in order. I also picked up her ashes. That was an awful experience.
Dan and I are trying to plan a vacation. As he said, "He needs to get me out of town." We're looking into the Dominican again. Maybe Santo Domingo or Punta Cana. Meridith told me the best place ever to stay in Punta Cana is Paradisus. Now I can't get it out of my head and it's a bit our of our price league.
I'll have a hot list addition in a few hours.
I just want to say thanks to my wonderful friends - who have been so supportive and nurturing. I love you guys a lot. Signing off.