My regular Saturday morning phone call with my Aunt Dorothy ended with her telling me to take it easy and not try to do too much. Saturdays have become some sort of competition with myself - how much can I pack in to completely exhaust myself. You see the weekends are prime thinking time. I can think myself into a frenzy - and this I do not want. The cycle is as follows: frenzy/panic, slow tears, uncontrollable tears, hysteria, and finally a restlessness that is frightening.
So what do I do on weekends - just about everything. This Saturday I cleaned the house, did several loads of laundry including washing my bedroom drapery, cleaned the fish tank - which resulted in the loss of the beautiful Fishilla Presley, organized my closet and tossed a bunch of stuff, cleaned out my underwear drawer, organized my pajama drawer, shopped for a suit and was somewhat successful (also bought a pair of shoes), went tanning, went to Target for household items, hit the Farmer's Market for flowers and a fine lunch of samosas with tomato chutney (at this point I took a breather to eat in peace by Lake Cayuga), arranged the flowers in several vases throughout my house, tackled the Wine Warehouse for a few bottles of Pinot Noir and that cheap wine they have that's good for cooking, walked the dogs the usual three times, ran and emptied the dishwasher, watered the indoor and outdoor plants (many plants as I'm plant sitting for Matt and Elizabeth), watched most of the movie Gloria with Sharon Stone (horrendous movie, equally terrible acting), took a shower and a bath (thanks Kimmee for the new bath goods), ON DEMAND-ed the flick The Squid and the Whale (excellent, eccentric, fine acting by the naturally beautiful Laura Linney and the endearingly odd Jeff Daniels), spoke to Dan several times, spoke to his brother Robby, finished the book Any Place I Hang My Hat, started the book Kitchen Confidential, drank a bottle of wine, cooked spinach parpadelle pasta with a garlic/wine mushroom sauce, oh - made a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, chopped half a watermelon, two canteloupes and some strawberries for a fruit salad, folded laundry, read In Style, wrote a bit in my therapy journal, got in bed with the rest of Season 2/ Disk four of 24, and when that finished I popped in Season (?) last disk of Nip/Tuck.
I got to relax when I was in the tanning bed, but I had trouble getting out of the it. My back was so tired, I had to sorta roll out.
Sunday started early. Talked to Dan about 3 times before 11:30, hit the dollar store for some small candles, an icepack and an icetea pitcher, a few composition books and some outdoor plant stands, went back to Target to buy this rug I had been eyeing, went tanning, hung bedroom drapery, cleaned the glass that broke from my butterfly box, caught up on my newspapers, finished folding and putting away the laundry, spoke to Peter, Grandma, Amy and Dan's aunt Sheryl, went to Borders cafe to get a piece of carrot cake, but it was under construction, went walking with Baby at this other waterfall near the Falls Creek Theatre, got a burrito from Taco Bell, walked the dogs several times as they never wanted to pee during their normal time, painted two keepsake boxes, finished watching Gloria as I was reading, did the In Style cross word puzzle, drank more wine, (hypocrasy at it's finest here) actually went to Wal-Mart to see if I could find a cheaper carpet than the one at Target, but to no avail, wound up buying a wire-framed file holder, caught up on the back episodes of ER - fuckin a didn't record the season finale (any takers - please call and give me the skinny), caught up on The Hills (that Heidi girl is DUUUUUUMB), finished watching Mr and Mrs Smith that I started watching with Emily on Friday night (making its rounds on Cinemax - truly bad movie), edited some of Emily's essays for medical school, cried a bit, got into bed with the rest of Nip/Tuck followed by Girl Interrupted - passed out at some point.
Friday night Emily and I did happy hour followed by dinner and mojitos at Maxi's - just love that place - and wine and a movie at her place. Thursday night we hit half-price rolls at Little Tokyo and ended with sundaes at Purity - delish.
Today I am bored and want to crawl back into bed. I have so much work to do and am dragging my feet. Signing off...