Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I've been smoking a lot lately--and during the day--something I've never done before.
I had a great sleep last night. Moo didn't pant. I think he prefers sleeping with one person .
I'm bitchy. I'm going to sign off now.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Fuck You Rain
When Dan crawled into bed, Moo crawled between us only to get closer to me WHILE HE STARTED HIS PANTING. With a "fuckin' A" I was out of the bed like lightening. I slept in my old bed until Dan started calling me this morning when his alarm went off. Moo never did this when we lived alone.
I finished the book Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner this weekend. I've read Good in Bed and In Her Shoes. She's got a new book out. She's one of those authors that you know writes a lot about her life. She's not as funny as she thinks she is. Nonetheless, her books are an enjoyable read. I started Magical Thinking by Augusten Burroughs. I've read Running With Scissors and Dry--both great reads. What an unbelievable life he led. Sometimes I think he's humor is contrived. IT's not the wonderfully strange of David Sedaris, who's humor is so natural and so real, you laugh days after reading a passage. Nonetheless, I'm a fan of Burroughs and look forward to sinking into Magical Thinking.
Dan has to go into the city today. I'm a little nervous about being alone as I'm not in the best state today. This rain is taking its toll and my parents have both upset me greatly. My uncle Frankie who has lived in Australia for the past 15 years, once told me that Australia wasn't even far enough away from his family--he said if he could move to the moon he would. Ithaca is just too close.
On a good note, I picked up another client yesterday. It's a small project fee, but at least I'm making my way. Signing off.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sunday Night King of the Hot List

OK so I'm still boy crazy, and I love my tv. There are a few things that geography will never change. Signing off.
I Was Really Bitchy This Weekend
Sleeping in my old bed it of no comfort to me anymore. It feels foreign and cold. I moved to the couch.
All this rain is a big old bitch. I've said this before and I'll say it again--I'm desperate for sunshine. It also didn't help that Dan left the car windows and sunroof open Friday night. We had to go to Sears to buy a wet/dry vac.
Friday we watched Dr. Stranglove. I should say Dan watched Dr. Strangelove. I was bored to tears within 10 minutes and fell asleep. I suppose I don't really get Kubrick--maybe I don't care to. I did like Eyes Wide Shut and Clockwork Orange tho'.
We also Netflixed American Psycho, which we've both seen--but Dan thoroughly enjoys. If he winds up axing me later in life, we'll understand.
Here's a bit of knowledge: If you have wireless and have a 2.4 GHz cordless, hurry up and upgrade to a 5.8 GHz. 2.4 causes interference with the wireless. Dan and I were the last two shmucks to realize this. All along I thought it was Vonage...
Ithacans still write checks in stores. This irks me. My patience is questionable anyway, and when I have to wait behind someone who's logging their purchase into their check registry I'm about to scratch my own eyes out.
We went with Rick and Emily to the Farmer's Market yesterday and it sucked. Most of the vendors were not there. I think they may be shutting down for the winter. I want to get flowers, but no such luck.
Here's a view of Lake Cayuga from the Market on a nice sunny day.

Signing off.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Anniston Tongues Stacy's Man
We'll add him to the hotlist. Anyway, that can move in on Brad's ex has got big balls. Also, he's one of the funniest dudes out there who made one of the best movies ever--OLD SCHOOL.

Thursday, October 20, 2005
A Few Words From AZ
He's requested that I ad Dylan Walsh, the other Nip/Tuck doc to the hot list. Excellent recommendation! Those eyes are dreamy.
On another note, Dan is sick. Woke up in the middle of the night feverish and sniffling. Basically it means he woke me up again--this week--in the middle of the night. He made it to class this morning, which I wouldn't have done. Yesterday he wolk up and walked to campus only to realize that he has off on Wednesday's. Yep, that's my boy. Then last night he said he left his stats homework in his locker at school only to find it in his bad when he went to sleep. He needs like a weekend of sleep. Poor thing.
I forgot what else I was going to write about today. Oh Shannon, go to the ABC Web site to read about the LOST episode from last night--that's if they posted it. I think I have a hot link on the blog. Signing off.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Who do you think is going to die on LOST?
I left my jean jacket at my parent's house this weekend--a staple of my fall wardrobe. I'm pissed.
So because of my workload and my apparent sleepiness, I've let my household chores fall by the wayside. My laundry has been sitting in the dryer since Sunday night. I just can't bring myself to fold it yet. This means that the laundry with Turdy's vomit is still sitting wet in the washing machine. This is also not like me.
While I was away my mums died. They lasted a long time. Did I tell you that i'm getting into plants? Also, Dan bought me a rose plant and that too got sick.
Sleepy. Signing off.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Bad Night Sleep
Anyway, Dan was horny and spent the next hour or so trying to get me in the mood. I just wanted to watch the movie and fall asleep. I was finally drifting off when he announced that one of the dogs vomited on the bed. It never hit the mattress, phew. BUT that kept us up for a while longer. Dan's got a very bad habit of leaving a lot of lights on in the house. Me--I would walk around int the darkness if you let me. The only time I like a lot of light is when I'm in the bathroom tweezing my brows.
Anyway, so as I get back into bed, I realized that Hornball has left the lights on downstairs. Somehow in between all of this he gets mad at me because I don't want to have sex at what is now 3:00. Also in between I have a battle with the slow rewind and slow fast forward on my DVD player. I turn on The Interpreter again and watch until I fall asleep. (At some point Moo gets off the bed. Don't know how cause he doesn't jump anymore. Back legs are getting weak. So he starts crying for me to pick him up.)
Next thing I kow, NPR is on. We've overslept. It's 8:15 am and Dan's new classes begin. He throws on some clothese and runs out the door. I jump on my email and go downstairs to see if my new coffee pot (the one Shan bought for me) has brewed my delicious pumpkin coffee. NO. Bastard. Well, it's my own fault cause I must have set it wrong.
So I step into the living room because I see something big and dark on our little area shag rug. I'm thinking it's the dogs' pig's ear, but nooooo. It's a big fucking dookie. Now look, My Boys have only had one accident since we've lived here and that was in the very first day when we left them amid boxes to go buy a couch. This gigantic dookie--not sure what it's about. I mean it looked like an elephant took this dump. I wonder if they were scared when I left in the middle of the night.
Anyway, I don't have a weak stomach and I pick up dookie 3x a day during their walks. This just set me off. This was the time when I wished we had a downstairs bathroom. I gagged all the way up the stairs.
I'm so exhausted that I just want to get back in to bed, which I finally do. I fall asleep until 10:30. Wait, I forgot sometime after Dan left this morning he calls me to look for a folder with his new class schedule. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK HE IS GOING!!!! And if he thinks he's getting some tonight, he better think again.
I've decided not to edit my posts anymore. This blog is homegrown.
Monday, October 17, 2005
The W.C. Is Out; Ithaca Is In

So Shannon and Igor's wedding was a good time. Shannon looked beautiful; Igor looked dapper. Everyone took to the dance floor and worked it out Club Mtv style.
Ladies, the next bridal party you're in, try to steer the bride away from the designer Alfred Angelo. I'm not gonna mince words here...his dresses are obviously made by some 5-year-old in China. I'm sure he will be getting a rather nasty letter from Shannon.
On my way to the W.C. I realized that I wasn't ready to go back. I'm happy being away. This doesn't mean that I don't miss everyone. It's just that I desperately needed a change, and I didn't realize it until I was gone. Because I feel different, I thought something would feel different/ better about being with my family. That wasn't the case. I won't even get into it now, but their behavior this weekend could have been better.
Shannon, do you remember how I said I couldn't find my black MAC eyeshadow. Well, Amy confessed that she stole it from me when she came to visit. I'm actually really mad about it.
I'm desperate for some sunshine. It's cold and gray today in Ithaca. They turned the heat on in our apartment and I had to turn the fan on and open all the windows in the middle of the night. It's hot as balls.
I made it to Ithaca last night in 3 hours and 30 minutes. I didn't even drive above 80 as it was raining and Rt 17 is pitch black. There wasn't anyone on the road, so I just coasted. I made it home for Desperate Housewives, which just gets worse every week. I can't even get in to how annoying Teri Hatcher is. I had two Netflix movies waiting for me in the mailbox, my Rolling Stone magazine and a check from ThePet Gazette. That was pretty nice.
I popped into the DVD player the movie Lords of the Dogtown. Heath Ledger sucks, but skateboarding is hot. I like Emil Hirsh. I think he's a fine young actor.
Did anyone catch Elizabethtown this weekend? I've only heard baaaad reviews. AZ - I know you didn't see it cuz you hate CC. Signing off for now.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Crowded House Quiet Again

It was nice having the moms, Amy and Peter here. Amy and Moms bicker a lot, but I guess what teenage girl and their mom don't. We got to enjoy the new Family Guy DVD together (hysterical), and we chefed up some good grub. Moms bought me a pair of earrings and an ivy plant. We hit Ruloff's on their last day here.
Dan finished his finals last night and is brain dead.
Tomorrow I'm back in W.C. for Shannon and Igor's wedding. I've got a lot of work to kick out - so I'm going to sign off. Might not hear from me until Monday.

Friday, October 07, 2005
In Good Company

Yesterday was my buddy Jason's b-day. I forgot to give him a shout-out. I think he turned like 24 or something. I like this photo because it looks like he's thinking about something serious, but you know he's like, "I wonder if I'm going to get a blow-job tonight." It's a nice pic tho'. Anyway, Happy Birthday Jay.
So last night I worked until 8:15 and then we hit Wegmans. We can't walk out of that place without spending more than $100. Actually, last night it was $160. I purchased pumpkin pie coffee. good. I'm so excited that the family is coming tonight. You have no idea how badly I'm itching for some company. We're going to go to the Apple Festival in The Commons. My mom told me last night that Amy was like, "why do I have to go?" It really hurt my feelings. Dan reminded me that she's 16. Nonetheless, I thought she would be happy about coming to see her big sis for the weekend.
We joined Netflix--and have the first season of Nip/Tuck in our queue. I never

Dan just sent me an email from the next room. Retard.
Signing off...
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Last night I went to Rick and Emily's for a little LOST gathering. They watch it on projector. Something that would never ever occur to me. It was pretty cool with the DVR and all.
Anyway, I've been slammed for the past two days as I was out of commission mostly Monday and Tuesday with this ear infection.
My mom and the kids are coming tomorrow. So psyched for some company. Anyway, gots to sign off now as I've got projects to kickout. I've literally been on the phone straight since 8:30 this morning.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
FATHER KNOWS BEST: Joe Simpson also telling E! News exclusively that the reports of the demise of his daughter's marriage are false. "Not true," Simpson said
Hot Off The Presses

You know Jessica turned pro-ho.
If You Love Something, Get Rid of It: Nick and Jessica to Divorce READ MORE: US Weekly, break-ups, nick and jessica The image at right (click to enlarge) probably won't be on the newsstands until 10 A.M. or so, but we don't see why you should wait for the news: Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, America's Newlyweds, have called it quits.
For those of you so self-loathing as to closely follow these things, you'll recall that in May, E! online reported that the couple had filed for divorce, only to mysteriously retract the story an hour later. But you knew, right then, that this was coming, didn't you?
The couple is waiting to make an official announcement later in the month (at the appropriate career opportunity, we're sure), but according to Us Weekly's scoop - kept so under wraps that employees were not allowed to receive their advance issues yesterday, presumably for fear that People might rape and pillage the story - the marriage has been dead for some time. Well, duh.
The article has a laundry list of contributions to the break-up (mostly blamed on Jessica), including creepy-dad Joe Simpson, Jessica's "diva" behavior, and her fondness for whiskey on the rocks. One of those ubiquitous sources close to the couple says, "Jessica's the problem. She's not the girl America fell in love with anymore."
Oh, young America, were you ever really in love with her? Or were you just lusting? C'mon, be honest.
And now, a moment of silence, please, so that we might hear the sound of every magazine editor in town simultaneously shitting themselves.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Spacy Turns 30

First and foremost, Happy Birthday to Stacy, who is celebrating the Big 3-0 today all jetsetter-style in Italy.
I've been hitting the vicodin for two days to comfort this nasty infection, so I've been out of commission. I'm feeling better today, but my ear is still swollen shut.
This weekend I took The Boys to visit the blindfolded horses. A runner had brought them some apples so they were hanging over the fence. They're sweethearts, tho' I still can't figure out what's up with the mesh blindfolds. For about 10 minutes The Boys were fine with the horses--until Moo looked up, saw that these horses were 25x his size and started doing his piggy-squeal. Most of you know what this is. This led Baby to do his ferocious bark--y'know the one like fatty is gonna attack you. It was time for us to go. There is a lovely little trail by the horse farm, which we walked until Moo was about to pass out. It was too long of a walk for them. I realized when I got back home and Baby started throwing up on our new living room carpet. It's a cheapie, but Dan and I both really like it. Like the Big Lebowski says, "it ties the room together."
Saturday I went to get the brows waxed again. I mistakenly went back to the same dimwit because I was unsure of other places to go. Well, this time dimwit dropped wax in my hair. It didn't come out until I showered the next day. She told me that I didn't have to pay, but I insisted (she actually did do a good job on the brows). She charged me five bucks and I left her a dollar tip. She did not say thank you.
I hit the Cornell Apple Orchard before I picked Danny boy up on Saturday. He had another one of those hellacious group meetings--FRI, SAT and SUN. Poor thing. I picked up some baby potatoes and a lovely spice soap. My total cost was $4.03.
We hit The Commons on Saturday afternoon for some pizza at Gino's, good NYC-style pizza. The Commons was hoppin'. All the hippies, musicians, stoners, college students were out in full force. Most of those stores on The Commons are not very useful; however, it's nice to still see local businesses. Not like in the W.C. where commercial rents are so high that Moms and Pops can no longer afford to keep their shop open without having to charge patrons astronomical prices. I like that people still make things and have a venue for which to sell their goods.
I finished a Joyce Carol Oates book this weekend called Solstice. Magnificent writing. It chronicles the lives of two women whose friendship dictates a deep and sophisticated emotional intimacy. The relationship is plagued with all of those vices contained in a lovers' relationship--jealousy, uncertainty... The ending is rather dubious. And left me begging, "what the fuck?" but I'm over it now. I started John Grisham's The Summons. His books are slow moving just like the folks in the Southern communities he writes of. Suddenly, there is a bang, and the book gets grooving. Thank God, because by then I'm ready to put it down.
Last week I had a dream about a tiny chicken. I should clarify that it's not a live one, but a supermarket bird. Anyway, got it into my head that I should bake one. Dan came home from the store with the very same chicken from my dream. I baked it with those lovely baby potatoes, some onions and garlic. I baked some brussell sprouts ( I know most of you are spewing), and it was a nice meal.
In the news:
- Jen and Brad are officially done.
- Paris and Paris are officially done.
- Nicolas Cage and his 20 year old wife had a baby. I like Cage, but this is a bit skeevy.
So I'm in the bathroom and I call out to Dan to please put the toilet seat down when he's finished. Normally he does, but when he forgets, I must be sure to nag him about it. In perfect timing, he farts loudly and tells me to "Take That." Little shit. Signing off.
Why Fema Never Got the Message
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sucky Sucks Suck
I've got a lot to say tho' so check in tomorrow. Signing off.