Sleeping in my old bed it of no comfort to me anymore. It feels foreign and cold. I moved to the couch.
All this rain is a big old bitch. I've said this before and I'll say it again--I'm desperate for sunshine. It also didn't help that Dan left the car windows and sunroof open Friday night. We had to go to Sears to buy a wet/dry vac.
Friday we watched Dr. Stranglove. I should say Dan watched Dr. Strangelove. I was bored to tears within 10 minutes and fell asleep. I suppose I don't really get Kubrick--maybe I don't care to. I did like Eyes Wide Shut and Clockwork Orange tho'.
We also Netflixed American Psycho, which we've both seen--but Dan thoroughly enjoys. If he winds up axing me later in life, we'll understand.
Here's a bit of knowledge: If you have wireless and have a 2.4 GHz cordless, hurry up and upgrade to a 5.8 GHz. 2.4 causes interference with the wireless. Dan and I were the last two shmucks to realize this. All along I thought it was Vonage...
Ithacans still write checks in stores. This irks me. My patience is questionable anyway, and when I have to wait behind someone who's logging their purchase into their check registry I'm about to scratch my own eyes out.
We went with Rick and Emily to the Farmer's Market yesterday and it sucked. Most of the vendors were not there. I think they may be shutting down for the winter. I want to get flowers, but no such luck.
Here's a view of Lake Cayuga from the Market on a nice sunny day.

Signing off.
i'm barely workin, not into it today. hate mondays. just biting my cuticles, as usual. yummy.. not really in a talkative mood. lots of drama at work today, feel like walking out really. wanna smack some peeps as I go too. maybe even kick some fools in the groin. yah. feeling that a'ight. pissed i don't have my pup Winston yet. breeder is a snot, who prob knows best, but who cares. gimmie my pup dammit.
so annie, sup w/ the padres? oye... similar pattern? ut oh. well, you are an excellent mediator, glad you are doing it from afar this time, tho-
ditto on the sunshine, sun - shine!
Man, I thought I was the only one w/ questionable patience. Glad to see that someone can join me. WTF!!! however, checks in stores? shit, I woulda kicked their knees out and called 911 on MY cell phone just to cut ahead. shit.. all that wasted time. I have a hard time in banks, too.
That lake looks ab-fab. Is it swim-able? how far is it from you? my goodness...what a beaut.
I don't know if it's swimmable. good question. it's about 7 minutes from me just like everything else in Ithaca. It's where the Farmer's Market is. One of the Finger Lakes.
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