Found a half-price sushi joint yesterday in The Commons - Little Tokyo. We ate a bunch of rolls and went to Cinemoplis to see Brick. Best movie I've seen in a long time. Particularly after suffering through The Da Vinci Code on Sunday night. What a bore! Also, on Saturday night Emily made us suffer through her favorite move evah -- The Pirate Movie--starring the Blue Lagoon boy and Kristy McNichol. I've never seen so many genres mixed in to one movie.
Anyway, Joseph Gordon-Levitt from Third Rock is just phenomenal. Love this boy. See this move. The dialogue is so clever.

Okay - now I know you prob gots lots of work to do - and all that razzmatazz, but shit woman... there are lots of hotter guys to post! I say a g'damn!
Oh - and one more thing.. next visit - we are ..like.. THERE DUDE - at that 1/2 price sushi joint.
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