Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bad Night Sleep

Dan's bus from NYC came in at about 1:30. I had just decided to turn of The Interpreter and catch some zzz's when the phone rang for a pick-up. Of course Dan had to promise two other guys that we'd give them rides home. By the time we got in I was totally awake so started watching The Interpreter again. Good movie. Nicole Kidman is good with the accents. I really don't like Sean Penn's nose tho'.

Anyway, Dan was horny and spent the next hour or so trying to get me in the mood. I just wanted to watch the movie and fall asleep. I was finally drifting off when he announced that one of the dogs vomited on the bed. It never hit the mattress, phew. BUT that kept us up for a while longer. Dan's got a very bad habit of leaving a lot of lights on in the house. Me--I would walk around int the darkness if you let me. The only time I like a lot of light is when I'm in the bathroom tweezing my brows.

Anyway, so as I get back into bed, I realized that Hornball has left the lights on downstairs. Somehow in between all of this he gets mad at me because I don't want to have sex at what is now 3:00. Also in between I have a battle with the slow rewind and slow fast forward on my DVD player. I turn on The Interpreter again and watch until I fall asleep. (At some point Moo gets off the bed. Don't know how cause he doesn't jump anymore. Back legs are getting weak. So he starts crying for me to pick him up.)

Next thing I kow, NPR is on. We've overslept. It's 8:15 am and Dan's new classes begin. He throws on some clothese and runs out the door. I jump on my email and go downstairs to see if my new coffee pot (the one Shan bought for me) has brewed my delicious pumpkin coffee. NO. Bastard. Well, it's my own fault cause I must have set it wrong.

So I step into the living room because I see something big and dark on our little area shag rug. I'm thinking it's the dogs' pig's ear, but nooooo. It's a big fucking dookie. Now look, My Boys have only had one accident since we've lived here and that was in the very first day when we left them amid boxes to go buy a couch. This gigantic dookie--not sure what it's about. I mean it looked like an elephant took this dump. I wonder if they were scared when I left in the middle of the night.

Anyway, I don't have a weak stomach and I pick up dookie 3x a day during their walks. This just set me off. This was the time when I wished we had a downstairs bathroom. I gagged all the way up the stairs.

I'm so exhausted that I just want to get back in to bed, which I finally do. I fall asleep until 10:30. Wait, I forgot sometime after Dan left this morning he calls me to look for a folder with his new class schedule. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK HE IS GOING!!!! And if he thinks he's getting some tonight, he better think again.

I've decided not to edit my posts anymore. This blog is homegrown.


Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Dude, I am sooo glad that someone else out there agrees w/ S.Penn's nose. For years now, I have kept this to myself, even when people used to say - man he's hot. What an actor, blazzie blah blah. I just can't get past the schnoz. Oh well, nuff said.

Well, you gotta give the man some props. AN HOUR?? of trying to get you in the mood is a big phatt E for effort in my book if you ask me. Then again, it depends on the effort - so I'll stop there.

AWWWW.. Moo's legs are getting weak? Oh no! And he cries! shit.

I hear you w/ the bigassdookie, they must've been skeered and missed their mommy. Funny tho- bout the gagging up the stairs. You've seen Jason do the whole dry-heave act from just a bad smell, right? funny shit. Dunno what he's gonna do when dog poops and pees in the house! boy this will be a f'n riot!

Next: pics pics pics. Where are the pics of your apt wooooman?

Rock on my little bean sprout.

Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

oohhhh - Owen Wilson - that's a good one. Hard to say really - but I think it's the rolls he takes that make me love him.
... and maybe the blonde hair, too.

Yo - I'm LOL over the smoking shit. Good one, Stace. But the question is, did you swallow or spit (the puke, silly).

Here, here, on missing Annie - more than usual- definitely. Not to copy or anything, but the phone thing just ain't cuttin it no'mo.

Annie N. said...

It's Sean Penn's nose in particular that I can't get past. Owen Wilson's nose doesn't bother me. He's hot. Not to say that Sean Penn is ugly. He's attractive, but his nose bugs me.

I miss you guys too.

Moo cries cause he wants to get picked up. It's cute at first and gets annoying real fast. I have to bring him to the doctor to get checked out. My Dad thinks he has some spinal chord disease.

Dan and I decided that Moo did jump out of bed in the middle of the night and took that big dookie.

Annie N. said...

I'm not attracted to Vince Vaughn. I love to watch him. I think he's brilliant. But he doesn't have sex appeal to me like Owen Wilson.

Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Sorry - delayed here...

So, Moo be the guilty one, eh? Better on the floor than on the bed.

Ewwww. Bad teeth is just nasssstaaaay. Can't agree w/ you more on that one. There's nothing worse than havin a man smile and good ol' snaggle tooth pops out. Better yet, yellow-corn-tooth.

Vaughn, no sex appeal for me, but the man makes me laugh - as silly as the movie dodgeball was, I was laughing like a mo-fo. I agree w/ you Stacy - Wilson has a great a'tude and since he is sooo laid back, and doesn't seem to be trying, he's very easy to like.

Anyhooo.. annie -where's todays blugger?