Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Is Online Privacy at Work a Myth?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Letters from ...
I am feeling better than I have been as I have taken some time to reevaluate and stop acting in crisis mode. I hate acting in crisis mode. I have decent money coming in - in the next few weeks. My sister has mentioned that she would like to come visit me during her winter break. I have a baby shower at the end of February, and I may go stay with Sandra for a few to catch up on some girl time.
I didn't have any therapy last week, which made me feel awkward and a bit out of control. I'll be honest, I miss my EMDR therapist terribly. I miss being in his office. I thought I would be happy when this ended. I have one close out session tomorrow and I can't wait.
Dan is getting into Almodovar, which makes me very happy. We watched The Flower of My Secret yesterday morning and he enjoyed very much. We ended the day with Talladega Nights. High brow and low brow.
Signing off for now.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Top Chef
Sam outseated by Marcel. WTF.
Hooray for Ilan, but that speech at the end about Marcel was truly a low blow.
William Grimes on Astoria
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Rather Than Complain
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Fuck a Duck Fuck Duck and A Fucking Duck Fuck
I've been going up the street to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the late afternoon to get a small cocoa and a baked good. And I wonder why I have a double chin. For the 10 minutes I'm out of my office, I feel a little bit alive. I talk to the owner. I sample a macaroon, brownie or cookie. I happily march back down the short hill to my townhouse. It's back to the grind again.
Tonight we have dinner with Dan's friend from the India trip. Perhaps this will be amusing for me. Hopefully. Signing off.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Fortune's Wealthiest Women
1. Oprah Winfrey 2. J.K. Rowling 3. Martha Stewart 4. Madonna 5. Celine Dion 6. Mariah Carey 7. Janet Jackson 8. Julia Roberts 9. Jennifer Lopez 10. Jennifer Aniston 11. The Olsen Twins 12. Britney Spears 13. Judge Judy 14. Sandra Bullock 15. Cameron Diaz 16. Gisele Bundchen 17. Ellen DeGeneres 18. Nicole Kidman 19. Christina Aguilera 20. Renee Zellweger
Oscar Nominees
Associated Press - Jan 23, 06:00
(In bold is who I would like to see win. I've seen almost everything)
Complete list of the 79th Annual Academy Award nominations announced Tuesday at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Beverly Hills, Calif.:
1. Best Picture: "Babel," "The Departed," "Letters From Iwo Jima," "Little Miss Sunshine," "The Queen."
2. Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, "Blood Diamond"; Ryan Gosling, "Half Nelson"; Peter O'Toole, "Venus"; Will Smith, "The Pursuit of Happyness"; Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland."
3. Actress: Penelope Cruz, "Volver"; Judi Dench, "Notes on a Scandal"; Helen Mirren, "The Queen"; Meryl Streep, "The Devil Wears Prada"; Kate Winslet, "Little Children."
4. Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jackie Earle Haley, "Little Children"; Djimon Hounsou, "Blood Diamond"; Eddie Murphy, "Dreamgirls"; Mark Wahlberg, "The Departed."
5. Supporting Actress: Adriana Barraza, "Babel"; Cate Blanchett, "Notes on a Scandal"; Abigail Breslin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jennifer Hudson, "Dreamgirls"; Rinko Kikuchi, "Babel."
6. Directing: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, "Babel"; Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"; Clint Eastwood, "Letters From Iwo Jima"; Stephen Frears, "The Queen"; Paul Greengrass, "United 93."
7. Foreign Language Film: "After the Wedding," Denmark; "Days of Glory (Indigenes)," Algeria; "The Lives of Others," Germany; "Pan's Labyrinth," Mexico; "Water," Canada.
8. Adapted Screenplay: Sacha Baron Cohen and Anthony Hines and Peter Baynham and Dan Mazer and Todd Phillips, "Borat Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan"; Alfonso Cuaron and Timothy J. Sexton and David Arata and Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, "Children of Men"; William Monahan, "The Departed"; Todd Field and Tom Perrotta, "Little Children"; Patrick Marber, "Notes on a Scandal."
9. Original Screenplay: Guillermo Arriaga, "Babel"; Iris Yamashita and Paul Haggis, "Letters From Iwo Jima"; Michael Arndt, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Guillermo del Toro, "Pan's Labyrinth"; Peter Morgan, "The Queen."
10. Animated Feature Film: "Cars," "Happy Feet," "Monster House."
Monday, January 22, 2007
Rants and Raves
Saw Volver and Babel this weekend. I very much enjoyed Volver - very much. Penelope Cruz was wonderful and beautiful. (Dan thought she was stunning.) Babel was good, but a bit of a bore. The deaf-mute Asian girl story was the most compelling part.
I scored Children of Men on bootleg and am dying to watch. Hopefully tonight ... ahh what wonderful dreams I should have.
Also, stayed up by myself Saturday night and sunk into Mysterious Skin with my favorite young actor Joseph Gordon-Leavitt. He plays a gay teenage prositute in Kansas that was molested as a child by his baseball coach. Fascinating movie.
Dan has been going to bed early and waking up early. It sucks. He's also different - I can't put my finger on it, but things are different between us. Maybe it's just me. I've been in a terrible mood lately.
I don't know if I've mentioned, but I'm done with my EMDR therapy. Almost 7 and a 1/2 months, and I've finally processed some of the trauma surrounding my mother's death. This whole process has been an unbelievable experience. It's been life saving for me.
So we spent a lot of the weekend planning our Puerto Rico visit in June/July for Emily and Rick's wedding and researching Buenos Aires for our summer vacation.
Signing off for now.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Bitney's New Man
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Rehab for Firecrotch
Slutty Chimps
This is the type of place I would like to work in the future - to all those who made fun of me over New Year's Eve.
My New Favorite Animal

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
51% of Women Now Live Alone
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I ran errands today - Target for household items and the supermarket to stock up the empty fridge before Dan comes home. I cleaned and mopped the kitchen. I worked a little bit on an article for the pet magazine. I hit the Gap for new underwear (on sale. I stock up at this time every year.) and a little something for a dear friend's 30th birthday coming up next month. I went to see Alpha Dog. I made quesedillas for dinner (v. good. I'm on a Mexican kick.) I spoke to my aunt.
Work has been slow this month. Money is tight, and I'm really trying to stay cool right now, but the truth is, my projections aren't so great for this year. I said the same thing last January, I know. I've had too much time on my hand's to worry lately. I'm in a weird place right now - professionally, personally.
I've gone to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre for coffee. It's been turned in to the cutest little coffee shop. Unfortunately (and fortunatley!) the owner bakes things like almond and apple croissants.
I'm watching a movie right now - Clean. Enjoyable. Good acting. I like hearing people speak french. Nick Nolte is a great actor.
As for Alpha Dog, I'll make my comments on Monday. I encourage you to read The New York Times review of it by Manohla Dargis.
I haven't spoken to my brother since Christmas; my sister since New Year's day. I'm not sure what to say about all of this.
Signing off.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Britney's Other Baby
Beckham Goes Hollywood

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Eh Hem
Marilyn and Evan Rachel Wood Dating?
By Ken Lee

Manson and Wood Photo by: Eric Charbonneau / WireImage
Rocker Marilyn Manson is romantically involved with 19-year-old actress Evan Rachel Wood, sources close to the situation tell PEOPLE. The sources say his relationship with the Thirteen actress was a factor in the Dec. 29 divorce filing by Dita Von Teese, 34, Manson's wife of one year. "Dita is heartbroken, she didn't see this coming," says a source close to the burlesque dancer and MAC cosmetics model. "His partying contributed to the split as well." Manson, 38, and Wood have been friends for some time. According to his official Web site, Manson first met Wood when he asked her to be in his upcoming horror film, Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll.In addition, she posed for a watercolor that he painted, and attended the opening of his new Hollywood art gallery, the Celebritarian Corporation Gallery of Fine Art, last Halloween. "It came as kind of a shock," Wood told Rolling Stone about being asked to pose. "I was beyond flattered." Manson, who is currently in Paris, was unavailable for comment. A rep for Wood would not confirm the relationship. A spokeswoman for Von Teese did not return calls for comment.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
So tomorrow will be two full weeks since Dan has been in India, and I think when he returns I will kill him. I'm tired of missing people. That's all I do these days.
It seems they turned The Texas Chainsaw Massacre into a bakery. This is very unusual. I've yet to go up there as it's probably not good that there is a bakery a few feet from my townhouse. It's called the Queen of Tarts and it looks very cute. I rarely walk The Boys up that way anyway.
Right now there are big giant snowflakes rapidly falling. It's been like this all day - it lasts 2 minutes and then stops.
I hate, hate, hate the month of January. Hopefull my bestest auntie and uncle will come visit me this weekend. That would make this month a helluva lot better. That and a Louis Vuitton ... and some more work. Some fun, new projects. And a fat orange cat. And Clive Owen in my bed. YES!
Seems the BBC has taken Footballers' Wives off of reruns. Daft cows. The second season of Footballers' Wives Overtime starts this Sunday. Not a huge fan, but it'll do the trick.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Some Movie Stuff
Watched Mini's First Time. Amen to Alec Baldwin - that guy is phenomenal. (Equally great in The Departed and Along Came Polly, coincidentally.) And I just love Nikki Reed as a bad girl. See Thirteen.
Me, Emily and Rick tried to watch the Black Dahlia on Friday, but it sucked too bad. Maybe they should stop giving Josh Hartnett (errr...Wicker Park) movie rolls, but Scarlett sucked too.
Watched The Lake House yesterday. Sandra Bullock had the worst hair cut. The movie was a bore, but that lake house was great looking. Keanu is still hot. Sean McNamara was in it too.
I'm trying to make it through Down in the Valley with Evan Rachel Wood (dynamic and beautiful) and Ed Norton (hot and brilliant). It's slow moving, but well acted.
Sitting on top of my tv is Proof and The Aviator, which I have surprisingly never seen.
Also yesterday hit the matinee of The Queen - absolutely fantastic. Helen Mirren - lordy - you are good. She'll take it this year at the Oscars. Streep's performance in The Devil Wears Prada ain't got nothing on The Queen. See Mirren in another fave - Gosford Park by the recently deceased Robert Altman.
Dying to see Children of Men and Little Children (I think I will go buy the book today). Volver fortunately coming to Fall Creek Theatres on January 19. God bless Almodovar.
Love the fact that Ryan Gosling is getting Oscar nods for his role in Half Nelson ... one of my favorite movies of the year.
Baby - this morning - decided that MY FOOT was a good target to pee on during our walk. I was astonished. Luckily I was wearing my rubber clogs, which I purchased for walks through gorges. Little bastard.
Tomorrow, back to work full-time - two weeks gone with the holiday, the head injury and the flu. I need movement again. I do love Ithaca, but I'm hopelessly bored. And why doesn't every restaurant in this town deliver? Got rid of the Christmas tree yesterday morning and my living room is back to normal.
Signing off.
The 40 Best Celebrity Rumors Ever
-Marilyn Monroe and JFK
-that nerdy kid from that show with Fred Savage is Marilyn Manson (can't for the life of me remember the name of the show)
-Jamie Lee Curtis was born with a peep
Click on the title of the post to read he full list
Thursday, January 04, 2007
perhaps the CW channel will pick up the O.C. and bring back Mischa Barton.
watched American Dreamz - terrible and The Thumbsucker - just ok. i'm bored out of my fucking mind.
O.C. Cancelled
I think we called it over New Year's weekend.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Loving Dresses Again
Check out www.edressme.com. Can't wait to stock up on vacation wear for our big travel plans in July!
I'm coming down with a bug. Last week it was my head injury. I still have a nice little knot between my eyebrows, and this week I'm just exhausted. I have the chills now and can barely keep my head off my desk.
Sleepy. Signing off.