What do we think of Isaac Cohen? Is he similar to Federline? Do we think he's hot? I'm just not sure. I mean I went on his myspace page when I first heard about him (it's since been taken down) and I wasn't too impressed.
This ridiculous blog was created for the cast of characters I call my best friends. I want them to know when I wake up, when I drink coffee, when I take Moo for a walk and when I, er, pass gas...while I'm in Ithaca.
i just looked him up. (at usatoday.com)
i don't think he's "hot," but he's no dog. although i suppose it's not fair to judge from two pictures.
i think he's too good for her.
his parents must be so pissed that he's dating her.
he's def. too hot for her.
his myspace photos - his nose looked very big for a model, but in the shots i've seen in mainstream media he looks good. that's what is so confusing to me.
ok, I think Cohen is totally fuckable and probably a decent guy. Don't know much about him, tho..but who cares? What I think my problem is - is Britney. Her white trash ass could bring anybodys image/rep down. I mean really, Fedex is looking like an saint these days; sup w/ that? It ain't Cohen, it's Britney.
what kimberly said......hee hee
oops meant Kimberlee...damn I could not stop it
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