Friday, June 22, 2007
Last Weekend in Ithaca
Amy and I will hit Lake Cayuga for a final swim tomorrow.
Sunday I will start packing for my trips.
Amy found her way to a part on campus and did shots of vodka. On Wednesday night we drove around for an hour looking for her. She was loaded.
Signing off
Friday, June 15, 2007
Rick and Emily left yesterday at 2pm and I miss them already. No more Chapter House on Friday nights. Those Friday nights saved me this last year.
Big Love - so happy it started. I've like a pig in shit with Big Love, So You Think You Can Dance and Footballers' Wives.
Amy and I will go out for sushi tonight and then I will show her around town. The last time she was here our mother was alive and we shopped, shopped, shopped and ate, ate, ate. It was fun.
S - go to Spain.
K - thanks for the advice on the meds.
M - owe you a phone call and hope you are doing ok.
SN - Holla back atcha
K - thanks for all the support (no pun intended) this week
Everyone else ... This blog is coming to a close in less than two weeks. Stay tuned for Annie in Astoria. Signing off
Monday, June 11, 2007
What's New
-Amy coming to visit on Wednesday
-Rick & Emily leaving Ithaca on Thursday (They are buying a whopper of a house in Cleveland)
-My bridesmaid dress is still not in
-Dan's back has been out again
-Had is out with Cliff last week. We are going to "try" and work on our relationship. Y'see - the reason why we don't speak is all my fault. Also, Dog Face and her children hate me. Really? Awwwww.
-Marshy has an unusual growth - and that means more testing!!! Teaching hospitals are alot to handle.
-Friday is my last day of therapy. What on earth will I do.
-I'm on a shoe buying craze lately
-I'm scared as shit lately - each morning I wake up feeling like my heart will jump out of my chest
-I want to have a baby
-Peter turned 15 on June 1. (Can you even believe?)
-He called me last night hysterically crying that his father was going ape shit and threatened to put one of the dogs to sleep
-Dan and I are arguing about furniture
-Dan is going to Seattle this weekend to see Robby
-I might take Amy on a road trip to Columbus, Ohio to stay at Rick's family's for a night. His mom organizes an annual Latino Festival
-I packed most of my closet last night
-Amy turns 18 on June 27 - her father threatened to kick her out of the house. Seems Kathy has him by the balls.
-The Acura didn't pass inspection, and the Neon wouldn't start last week. You think it might be time for a new car?
-Tried a new French restaurant on Friday night - Dijon - AMAZING!!! Emily and I shared some country pate - delish
-Saw Oceans 13 on Saturday - Entertaining - after sushi and a shot or two of Soju.
-Saw Knocked Up the week before - AWESOME
-Netflixed Little Children - FAB
-Here, here for the new (and last season) of Footballers' Wives
-I'm incredibly pissed at my mother these days
-Got some great media hits for clients last week - NY Post, WABC-TV, AOL Black Voices, Jet Magazine - Boo-ya
Signing off.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Congratulations Are In Order
I just want to give a hearty congrats to Andrew and Stacy for their new positions.
-Andrew has become the first full-time staff photographer at Atlantic Records. A tremendous achievement and exactly what he's dreamed of doing since I met him a very, VERY long time ago.
-Stacy has a new position at a venerable law firm, and she's absolutely loving the work.
Here. Here.
Signing off.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
To Be a 30 Year Old Graduate
After about 18 months of living in Ithaca, Dan will graduate this weekend. He made it, and frankly it's some sort of fucking miracle that we all survived this foray into ivy league academics as adults. This week is particularly memorable as Dan celebrated the Big 3-0 the same week as graduation. He did good. He worked hard, and I'm proud of who he has grown up to be.
Dan has begun packing. I'm actually shocked by this, but relieved because I have no urge to lift a finger. Yesterday I actually saw him washing the windows. I would have preferred he scrubbed the toilet bowl, but I guess I should take what I can get and not complain.
I had a mini-breakdown yesterday. I doubted myself. I doubt myself. There is something to be said about trusting your gut. I'm overwhelmed - it's expected, I guess.
I will cut out of work early today as I caught up on my work last night.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Today is a Good Day
Anyway, I'm considering getting him a helicopter ride around the city as well. I think I may have mentioned this before.
My ass is sweating again.
Shan - The Yankees game busting into the season finale of SVU - how pissed were you? The Yankees lost and we missed the murder!
This is why today is a good day: My phone started ringing at 9am - I was still in bed - as I slept maybe two hours last night - and it was a syndicated radio network calling for an interview. That's the way for a publicist to start her day. Cheers!
For those with HBO - try and catch the movie Brick - making it's rounds. Brilliant. I saw it in the movies, but was up at 4am watching it as well.
Signing off.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Friday night we hit the Chapter House for a coupla beers then headed to a french bistro called Dijon. It was 9pm and they asked if we had reservations. Hello??? This is fucking Ithaca. So we went off to ZaZa's Cucina and they were equally packed, but had a table for three. We realized later that it was Ithaca College commencement weekend. The service was poor, but the papardelle and mushrooms was amazing (K - like Mappamondo). We then went bowling, and I kicked everyone's ass the second game.
On Saturday Dan and I went to a town called Watkins Glen to walk the gorge trail. This town sits on Seneca Lake. It was a nice walk, but had tons of stairs. At some point I thought I would collapse. We had a lovely drive throught Central/Western New York covering WG as well as Corning and Elmira. There is no shortage of mobile homes.
We hit a TJ Maxx in Elmira (yes, we're addicted) to buy rugs for our new apartment. We hit the jackpot and walked out with three beautiful hand woven rugs - one for the bedroom, one for me office and one for the library. We also walked out with two Cross pens, two Calloway golf polos, 1 black t-shirt, 1 turquoise t-shirt, 1navy blue absolutley adorable dress, 1 new pet bed, 1 package of Ralph Lauren undershirts, 1 pair of men's Rockport flip flops, 1 White Gardenia pillar candle, and a nike swimsuit in gray.
Sunday I woke up with aches and pains from the walk and major congestion. Allergies. I popped a Tavist and some tension headached Exedrin and wound up sleeping for most of the day. I thought someone had slipped me a mickey. Turns out the Tavist does cause drowsiness.
Yesterday was Dan's 30th birthday. I cut out of work a bit early and we ran some errands together. We hit Kyushu for sushi with Rick and Emily and had a cake from Purity for dessert. It was a nice evening.
I'm trying to stay awake today. Signing off.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
How is it that today is Thursday?
Dan and I are bored. He sleeps until noon each day and when he wakes he tries to find someone to play golf with. It's been hard for him. Our first year here, he tried to find a job and was constantly in the city, meeting with companies on campus, going to various events...When he wasn't doing all of this, he was with me - trying to comfort and console me - even though I spend much of my time in the bathtub. So we don't have many friends. And now we're both bored, but mostly lonely, and I feel badly about this, because Dan is just the type of guy that loves to love and give. I haven't had much interest in playing golf anymore, but he really wants the company, so I went and hits some balls at the range with him on Tuesday night. He likes to teach, so I listened carefully, and it was fun.
Last night after prime rib at The Antlers, I begged not to go home. It was cold and rainy, so a walk around the lake was out of the question. There isn' anything playing at the movies that we like really want to see, and last weekend we bought up TJ Maxx - even tried driving to Cortland to find another bigger, better one. We settled on bowling at the Bowl-a-drome, which was closed over the summer. While I had fun, nothing seems to be fulfilling these days. Dan and I had a long talk about this last night. Conclusions? I'm just not sure. We did discover that I'm having trouble accepting the fact that I'm supposed to have joy in my life.
Obviously, if my mother didn't kill herself and my father didn't have this mental breakdown and move in with Dog Face, and my sister...well, Amy, what to say... if none of this happened Dan and I would probably have tons of friends and tons of plans and tons of fun. Right now we're in limbo, eagerly awaiting our new lives, yet trying not to disregard the lives we have to live.
And Monday is his 30th birthday and I ordered an ice cream cake from Purity. We haven't decided on dinner yet, but perhaps lobsters. I bought him a golf bag.
Signing off.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
And So It Is
So it's 10 days into May and I still haven't started my exercise routine for this wedding and the summer. Even though my favorite denim skirt from last summer is a bit tight around the waste. Something's gotta give. I'm in some sorta permo-lazy mode that's just gotta end. I feel a loss of order. I don't even cook anymore.
I've been reading that Memory Keeper's Daughter book - the best selling book of 06. It's no great shakes. And as Kathryn told me when she mailed me the book, it's overwritten. K - did you hear they are turning The Lovely Bones into a movie?
It's oddly quiet this morning - not too many e-mails. No responses to the hundreds of pitches I sent out yesterday. I fucking hate that.
Recently seen movies: The Namesake, Grindhouse, Fracture.
Rose Mcgowan is hot and so is Ryan Gosling ( I know I've said that before). Kal Penn is pretty hot too. Dan and I thoroughly enjoyed The Namesake. I can't wait for Harold & Kumar 2.
It's time to start working. Signing off.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Kyushi (sushi joint) has a tv on in the background and I actually saw one patron clapping when she read the scroll on CNN.
The thing is - jail will make her bigger than ever.
Oh and Nancy Grace is on Headline News, different channel than regular CNN. Sorry, should have made that clear sooner. (Andrew that's why you kept finding Paula Zahn.) So Thursday at 8pm on Headline News.
I Don't Feel Like Working This Week
Sorry Stace - I wound up going out for a late bite to eat and then doing some shopping at the mall.
Mother's Day coming up. Last night I packed up my gifts for my aunt and grandma, dan's mom and grandma.
I found a million things I would have bought for my mother. I hate Hate HATE this.
Anyway, I want to play hookie today.
Monday, May 07, 2007
What's New
My new address is:
24-61 Crescent Street
Astoria, NY 11102
My phone numbers will probably stay the same.
For those I told about Nancy Grace (on CNN)...the date has changed from Monday to Thursday night at 8:00-9:00 p.m. Please, please watch, set your DVR's, support. Cheers.
And So
Saturday Marshy celebrated his 10th birthday. He went to the park, sniffed as many trees as he wanted to and had a nice spare rib (of course he had diahrea on Sunday).
I missed seeing TV on the Radio on Friday as I got stuck coordinating four media interviews. I was annoyed, but what can you do? By the time I made it to the Chapter House, I was so on edge, I couldn't stop looking at my PDA. Dan was upset with me because he says I've been a real snot lately. He's right.
So we made up over some rolls and sashimi at Kyushu. Then hit TJ Maxx where I bought him a new golf bag for his birthday coming up in a few.
Overall the weekend was pretty sweet. Some minor client relations on Saturday, but no work on Sunday! Hoofuckingray.
Signing off.
Friday, May 04, 2007
What Luck?
Turns out they have rented our current apartment for July 15. (I think they are lying. New managment company started like two months ago and already this place is going down the tubes.) Right now we're figuring out where to house our dogs for the 2 weeks while we are away, and where to stay once we return. We're leaning towards splitting The Boys as Marshy is a lot of work. (Also I don't think a kennel will accept him due to his disability.) Then when we return, we'll either stay at Dan's parents for two weeks or at a hotel. (I'm pushing for the hotel.) It comes as no surprise that all of this makes me highly uncomfortable and that I'd rather find a new apartment, but Dan won't hear of it. I believe he's already found storage for our stuff while in Argentina and movers for July 31.
I don't work well when things are up in the air - as most of you know. I've worked too damn hard to have any glitches in the way I run my business. And most of you know how much work Marshy is. I think I'll be able to have my aunt take care of him.
Anyway, got to get back to work as I'm out this afternoon. TV on the Radio is coming to Cornell U today for Slope Day, and Dan got me some tix. Cool, yo.
Signing off.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Some Changes
As many of you know, the plan was to move mid-June, settle into an Astoria apartment, and venture off to Puerto Rico and Argentina for two weeks, returning around July 15.
Today, my horoscope reads, "If you attempt to reapproach a situation that you'd thought was truly past hope, you could be pleasantly surprised. Apparently there's a reason people say "you never know."
Last night Dan called Fran - the woman who owns the house in Astoria where we were planning to take an apartment before the Cornell U. call came. Turns out her current tenant must return to Morocco and the apartment will become free at the end of July. Essentially, we just scored a good-size two bedroom with a parking space near the subway, the Triboro, the Beer Garden, the Grand Central Parkway and Neptune Diner, by just making one phone call. It's a little closer to the tracks than I'd like, but I can totally deal.
The thing is that we won't be settled in until August 1 so we'll stay hear in Ithaca for a little while longer. Dan starts work on July 23 and has training for two weeks in Orlando. I will have to handle the move on my own.
Even though I am eager to return to all of you, I feel good about all of this. I feel as if every once in a while I get a nice bit of luck.
Signing off.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
What's New
- Sinus infection (sucks the big one)
- Dan - weirdo stomach thing that caused massive diarhea and dry heaving
- 300 - I enjoyed
- Pan's Labrynth - was an incredible movie
- Dirt - isn't Courteney Cox the prettiest? And the show has gotten much better. Too bad rumor has it that it's probably not going to be renewed another season due to low ratings.
- Picked up some interesting work this week (CONFIDENTIAL)
- Back to W.C. for taxes on April 6 (see amy and stay)
- Sister - most likely not graduating
- Dan's graduation day - May 26
- Can no longer fall asleep without the Family Guy on
- Read my first full-book since early November - Tom Perrotta's Little Children - wonderful (K - I'm going to drop it off at your house next time I'm in W.C. with some other books too)
- Weather = warm! Snow gone.
- Daffodils sprouting in the backyard area of my patio
- Miss her - Mom that is
- Love him - Dan that is
- Tired - me that is
Signing off
Friday, March 16, 2007
It's Been A While
So - if any of you haven't heard of Amy Winehouse - please check her out. Perez talks about her daily - but all drunkedness aside, her music is awesome. (Sandra - Audrey will have.) And if you haven't listened to Lily Allen yet, please do so. Cheeky little bitch makes some great pop.
I visited the tax man last friday, which was bad, but not soooo bad. But I am happy to report that my first full year in business went pretty damn good. There were times when I was too depressed to work and too much in a daze to focus, but I guess at the end of the day I always pulled it together. This gives me faith. I need faith.
So I have a message to all the Central New Yorker's who live along Rt. 79: Take down your mother fuckin Christmas lights. Christmas was in December. It is now March - why are you still paying for extra electricity when the roof of your trailer looks like it's caving in?
As for that ugly little church along Rt. 79 - I don't like you or the messages you put on that movie theater-type stuck on your front lawn. The most recent was "Jesus Loves You." Yeah, well I don't love him back - so there. Last year around Christmas it read, "Put Jesus First in 2006." Jesus doesn't even make my list. To the person who comes up with these clever little messages, my suggestion is to "Shove Jesus Up Your Ass in 2007."
And to think I was raised as a Catholic.
Signing off.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
On the Road Again
Friday's happy hour found us at Felicia's Atomic Lounge a hotspot for gays and lesbians where the $4.50 lychee martini's are cold and strong. The lounge has a resident dog and you will find people knitting in there. Strange vibe.
Lately we've been (me, dan, rick and em) going to Pancho Villa's, a relatively new Mexican restaurant with terrible decor but fantastic food. The cajun burrito (grilled shrimp and chorizo) is awesome.
Tonight I'm heading into the city for a big business pitch tomorrow morning, followed by a visit to another client I have not met, but have been working on his website since June. Friday I will head to my old PR firm for lunch and then visit my accountant - oh joy.
My stomach is in knots. I really really want this new business. I really really don't want to owe $10K to the government. And for the most part I get nervous going back to Westchester. I will be staying at my aunt and uncle's for most of the time, which I'm excited about. It's a neutral, comfortable spot to chill with my bro and sis - also really excited about seeing them.
I want/need to spend time with my family. My uncle's cancer has returned about two weeks ago and he'll be on daily chemotherapy for the next month. He was given a clean bill of health a few months ago, but he woke up with a rash (he's got a rare form of skin cancer) one morning and two days later it had spread rapidly.
Signing off.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I'm looking forward to Astoria.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
A Little of This
Saturday we did the usual - chill out, cook, errands. In search of a new toaster, we also wound up purchasing a waffle maker. Now, I like waffles and pancakes, but I haaaate making them. I told Dan that if we were to purchase, he had to be the principal (principle? sorry, uh, retarded) wafflemaker. We went to a Johnson School party that night at Dan's friend Ojas' townhouse. His wife cooks amazing Indian food. It was nice to watch all the biz school alpha dogs get loose. They're quite the bunch. I was well into my drink-on when the party began to dissipate, so Danny boy and I headed to Chapter House for some Hoegaarden, PBR and darts. I also had a couple shots of Cuervo. It was a fun night.
I went through some of my cookbooks this weekend and made some decadent findings including chicken breasts with herbed goat cheese and basil - and baked cauliflower with parmesan and harvarti. Not bad. Dan recently has taken to flambeau - ing bananas in rum and brown sugar and serving over vanilla ice cream. Fuck me - it's good.
Sunday I slept a good portion of the day. It was fantastic. Shannon and I chatted during The Ocscars, which was a snoozer, but Ellen is good for a laugh. I still can't figure out why J-Lo is always a presenter. I mean when was the last time she made a good movie? Yes, you're all muttering Selena. The highlight of the evening was paired presenters Clive Owen and Cate Blanchett. Good Lord what a hot couple. I love it. I wanted their to be some upsets in the wins. Perhaps Cate could have taken Best Supporting Actress or Leo Best Actor. Maybe even Little Miss for Best Picture. Oh well. Helen Mirren is still a class act.
Today I worked, worked, worked. Finally realized it was three and I hadn't yet bathed. A rush to the mailbox and the bank and back to the grind again.
Time to eat dinner and watch Wife Swap. My head hurts. Signing off.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I can't write today. Today is a bad day. Last night was a bad night. I just kept listening to three songs: "How deep is your love" by The Bee Gees, " "Through the Years" and "She Believes in Me" by Kenny Rogers. I sang last night. I sang for hours until Dan told me to stop as I was giving him a headache. I got pissed.
I never thought I would go this long without seeing my brother and sister ... but it's so hard for me to be in Westchester. We don't have a place - just for us - to spend time together.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Could it be?
Valentine's day was relaxing- I received a beaded necklace and a giant candle. We had wine, cheese and caviar for dinner and settled in to Season IV of 24.
I suppose I can talk about Bald Britney or Dead Anna Nicole, but I'm sure most of you Perez readers are keeping up. All I have to say is this - Britney is very obviously in a lot of pain, so as fascinating and entertaining as she may be, the media should probably give her a break. As for Dead Anna Nicole ... Shannon and I used to watch The Anna Nicole show religiously and it was very obvious Howard was completely in love with her. Could he have killed her son - yes, it's possible. He's got a freak flag.
I'm in love with Cate Blanchett. She's sexy and ethereal and just hot. Notes on a Scandal - go see it. It's brilliantly wrong, wrong, wrong and just so good to watch.
I sorted my mail this weekend as the pile was about to flop over. Money is supposed to be coming in this week, so I just had to get organized. I've literally been penniless for weeks waiting for checks, checks, checks. Ahhh, the luxury of a full-time job. If only I had the know-how to not have gone out on my own without any back-up funds. Anyway, during my sorting I found some mail from Apple with two gift cards. I scratched off the code on the back and low and behold I had two $25 gift certificates. Hot damn. I just spent $30 on The Stylistics, The Commodores, Depeche Mode, Kenny Rogers, Fall Out Boy, The Cure and Duran Duran.
We just booked our trip to Buenos Aires in July. It's Dan's gift to me for putting up with all this Ivy League grad school bullshit. We're also not going to be able to take a long vacation for quite some time once he starts working in August. We also booked our tickets to Puerto Rico for Rick and Emily's wedding in July, which should be a great time. If only my Dear Emily would pick out the bridesmaid dresses already!
And the best news of all - if all goes according to plan - we should be in an Astoria apartment by mid June. I can't wait to have a life again. I desperately miss my sister.
Sorry it's been so long. I've been writing, writing, writing each and every day and just can't think about my little blog ... soon to be Annie In Astoria.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Why We Cared About Anna Nicole Smith
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Anna Nicole Smith Dead

Smith, 39, collapsed at a south Florida hotel, according to news reports.
"I can confirm that she is deceased. It's as shocking to me as to you guys," Smith's attorney, Ronald Rale, told Reuters. "I don't know anything further. [Her lawyer and husband] Howard [K. Stern], obviously, is speechless and grieving." had reported that Smith collapsed at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida, and was rushed to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood just after 2 p.m. ET.
According to reports, Smith was found unresponsive in her hotel room.
Smith was involved in a paternity suit regarding the parentage of her daughter, Danielynn, as well as other disputes, including some regarding a house she stayed at in the Bahamas around the time she gave birth.
Earlier this week, Smith was included in a class-action lawsuit against a company, TrimSpa, for which she had worked as a spokesperson. TrimSpa makes a product it claims leads to substantial weight loss. The lawsuit alleges the marketing of the product, TrimSpa X32, was false or misleading.
Smith's son, Daniel Wayne Smith, died at age 20 just days after the birth of Smith's daughter. Pathologist Cyril Wecht said a lethal dose of methadone and antidepressants caused cardiac dysrhythmia, leading to his death.
Reuters contributed to this report.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Hot List

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Is Online Privacy at Work a Myth?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Letters from ...
I am feeling better than I have been as I have taken some time to reevaluate and stop acting in crisis mode. I hate acting in crisis mode. I have decent money coming in - in the next few weeks. My sister has mentioned that she would like to come visit me during her winter break. I have a baby shower at the end of February, and I may go stay with Sandra for a few to catch up on some girl time.
I didn't have any therapy last week, which made me feel awkward and a bit out of control. I'll be honest, I miss my EMDR therapist terribly. I miss being in his office. I thought I would be happy when this ended. I have one close out session tomorrow and I can't wait.
Dan is getting into Almodovar, which makes me very happy. We watched The Flower of My Secret yesterday morning and he enjoyed very much. We ended the day with Talladega Nights. High brow and low brow.
Signing off for now.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Top Chef
Sam outseated by Marcel. WTF.
Hooray for Ilan, but that speech at the end about Marcel was truly a low blow.
William Grimes on Astoria
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Rather Than Complain
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Fuck a Duck Fuck Duck and A Fucking Duck Fuck
I've been going up the street to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the late afternoon to get a small cocoa and a baked good. And I wonder why I have a double chin. For the 10 minutes I'm out of my office, I feel a little bit alive. I talk to the owner. I sample a macaroon, brownie or cookie. I happily march back down the short hill to my townhouse. It's back to the grind again.
Tonight we have dinner with Dan's friend from the India trip. Perhaps this will be amusing for me. Hopefully. Signing off.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Fortune's Wealthiest Women
1. Oprah Winfrey 2. J.K. Rowling 3. Martha Stewart 4. Madonna 5. Celine Dion 6. Mariah Carey 7. Janet Jackson 8. Julia Roberts 9. Jennifer Lopez 10. Jennifer Aniston 11. The Olsen Twins 12. Britney Spears 13. Judge Judy 14. Sandra Bullock 15. Cameron Diaz 16. Gisele Bundchen 17. Ellen DeGeneres 18. Nicole Kidman 19. Christina Aguilera 20. Renee Zellweger
Oscar Nominees
Associated Press - Jan 23, 06:00
(In bold is who I would like to see win. I've seen almost everything)
Complete list of the 79th Annual Academy Award nominations announced Tuesday at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Beverly Hills, Calif.:
1. Best Picture: "Babel," "The Departed," "Letters From Iwo Jima," "Little Miss Sunshine," "The Queen."
2. Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, "Blood Diamond"; Ryan Gosling, "Half Nelson"; Peter O'Toole, "Venus"; Will Smith, "The Pursuit of Happyness"; Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland."
3. Actress: Penelope Cruz, "Volver"; Judi Dench, "Notes on a Scandal"; Helen Mirren, "The Queen"; Meryl Streep, "The Devil Wears Prada"; Kate Winslet, "Little Children."
4. Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jackie Earle Haley, "Little Children"; Djimon Hounsou, "Blood Diamond"; Eddie Murphy, "Dreamgirls"; Mark Wahlberg, "The Departed."
5. Supporting Actress: Adriana Barraza, "Babel"; Cate Blanchett, "Notes on a Scandal"; Abigail Breslin, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Jennifer Hudson, "Dreamgirls"; Rinko Kikuchi, "Babel."
6. Directing: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, "Babel"; Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"; Clint Eastwood, "Letters From Iwo Jima"; Stephen Frears, "The Queen"; Paul Greengrass, "United 93."
7. Foreign Language Film: "After the Wedding," Denmark; "Days of Glory (Indigenes)," Algeria; "The Lives of Others," Germany; "Pan's Labyrinth," Mexico; "Water," Canada.
8. Adapted Screenplay: Sacha Baron Cohen and Anthony Hines and Peter Baynham and Dan Mazer and Todd Phillips, "Borat Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan"; Alfonso Cuaron and Timothy J. Sexton and David Arata and Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, "Children of Men"; William Monahan, "The Departed"; Todd Field and Tom Perrotta, "Little Children"; Patrick Marber, "Notes on a Scandal."
9. Original Screenplay: Guillermo Arriaga, "Babel"; Iris Yamashita and Paul Haggis, "Letters From Iwo Jima"; Michael Arndt, "Little Miss Sunshine"; Guillermo del Toro, "Pan's Labyrinth"; Peter Morgan, "The Queen."
10. Animated Feature Film: "Cars," "Happy Feet," "Monster House."
Monday, January 22, 2007
Rants and Raves
Saw Volver and Babel this weekend. I very much enjoyed Volver - very much. Penelope Cruz was wonderful and beautiful. (Dan thought she was stunning.) Babel was good, but a bit of a bore. The deaf-mute Asian girl story was the most compelling part.
I scored Children of Men on bootleg and am dying to watch. Hopefully tonight ... ahh what wonderful dreams I should have.
Also, stayed up by myself Saturday night and sunk into Mysterious Skin with my favorite young actor Joseph Gordon-Leavitt. He plays a gay teenage prositute in Kansas that was molested as a child by his baseball coach. Fascinating movie.
Dan has been going to bed early and waking up early. It sucks. He's also different - I can't put my finger on it, but things are different between us. Maybe it's just me. I've been in a terrible mood lately.
I don't know if I've mentioned, but I'm done with my EMDR therapy. Almost 7 and a 1/2 months, and I've finally processed some of the trauma surrounding my mother's death. This whole process has been an unbelievable experience. It's been life saving for me.
So we spent a lot of the weekend planning our Puerto Rico visit in June/July for Emily and Rick's wedding and researching Buenos Aires for our summer vacation.
Signing off for now.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Bitney's New Man
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Rehab for Firecrotch
Slutty Chimps
This is the type of place I would like to work in the future - to all those who made fun of me over New Year's Eve.
My New Favorite Animal

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
51% of Women Now Live Alone
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I ran errands today - Target for household items and the supermarket to stock up the empty fridge before Dan comes home. I cleaned and mopped the kitchen. I worked a little bit on an article for the pet magazine. I hit the Gap for new underwear (on sale. I stock up at this time every year.) and a little something for a dear friend's 30th birthday coming up next month. I went to see Alpha Dog. I made quesedillas for dinner (v. good. I'm on a Mexican kick.) I spoke to my aunt.
Work has been slow this month. Money is tight, and I'm really trying to stay cool right now, but the truth is, my projections aren't so great for this year. I said the same thing last January, I know. I've had too much time on my hand's to worry lately. I'm in a weird place right now - professionally, personally.
I've gone to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre for coffee. It's been turned in to the cutest little coffee shop. Unfortunately (and fortunatley!) the owner bakes things like almond and apple croissants.
I'm watching a movie right now - Clean. Enjoyable. Good acting. I like hearing people speak french. Nick Nolte is a great actor.
As for Alpha Dog, I'll make my comments on Monday. I encourage you to read The New York Times review of it by Manohla Dargis.
I haven't spoken to my brother since Christmas; my sister since New Year's day. I'm not sure what to say about all of this.
Signing off.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Britney's Other Baby
Beckham Goes Hollywood

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Eh Hem
Marilyn and Evan Rachel Wood Dating?
By Ken Lee

Manson and Wood Photo by: Eric Charbonneau / WireImage
Rocker Marilyn Manson is romantically involved with 19-year-old actress Evan Rachel Wood, sources close to the situation tell PEOPLE. The sources say his relationship with the Thirteen actress was a factor in the Dec. 29 divorce filing by Dita Von Teese, 34, Manson's wife of one year. "Dita is heartbroken, she didn't see this coming," says a source close to the burlesque dancer and MAC cosmetics model. "His partying contributed to the split as well." Manson, 38, and Wood have been friends for some time. According to his official Web site, Manson first met Wood when he asked her to be in his upcoming horror film, Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll.In addition, she posed for a watercolor that he painted, and attended the opening of his new Hollywood art gallery, the Celebritarian Corporation Gallery of Fine Art, last Halloween. "It came as kind of a shock," Wood told Rolling Stone about being asked to pose. "I was beyond flattered." Manson, who is currently in Paris, was unavailable for comment. A rep for Wood would not confirm the relationship. A spokeswoman for Von Teese did not return calls for comment.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
So tomorrow will be two full weeks since Dan has been in India, and I think when he returns I will kill him. I'm tired of missing people. That's all I do these days.
It seems they turned The Texas Chainsaw Massacre into a bakery. This is very unusual. I've yet to go up there as it's probably not good that there is a bakery a few feet from my townhouse. It's called the Queen of Tarts and it looks very cute. I rarely walk The Boys up that way anyway.
Right now there are big giant snowflakes rapidly falling. It's been like this all day - it lasts 2 minutes and then stops.
I hate, hate, hate the month of January. Hopefull my bestest auntie and uncle will come visit me this weekend. That would make this month a helluva lot better. That and a Louis Vuitton ... and some more work. Some fun, new projects. And a fat orange cat. And Clive Owen in my bed. YES!
Seems the BBC has taken Footballers' Wives off of reruns. Daft cows. The second season of Footballers' Wives Overtime starts this Sunday. Not a huge fan, but it'll do the trick.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Some Movie Stuff
Watched Mini's First Time. Amen to Alec Baldwin - that guy is phenomenal. (Equally great in The Departed and Along Came Polly, coincidentally.) And I just love Nikki Reed as a bad girl. See Thirteen.
Me, Emily and Rick tried to watch the Black Dahlia on Friday, but it sucked too bad. Maybe they should stop giving Josh Hartnett (errr...Wicker Park) movie rolls, but Scarlett sucked too.
Watched The Lake House yesterday. Sandra Bullock had the worst hair cut. The movie was a bore, but that lake house was great looking. Keanu is still hot. Sean McNamara was in it too.
I'm trying to make it through Down in the Valley with Evan Rachel Wood (dynamic and beautiful) and Ed Norton (hot and brilliant). It's slow moving, but well acted.
Sitting on top of my tv is Proof and The Aviator, which I have surprisingly never seen.
Also yesterday hit the matinee of The Queen - absolutely fantastic. Helen Mirren - lordy - you are good. She'll take it this year at the Oscars. Streep's performance in The Devil Wears Prada ain't got nothing on The Queen. See Mirren in another fave - Gosford Park by the recently deceased Robert Altman.
Dying to see Children of Men and Little Children (I think I will go buy the book today). Volver fortunately coming to Fall Creek Theatres on January 19. God bless Almodovar.
Love the fact that Ryan Gosling is getting Oscar nods for his role in Half Nelson ... one of my favorite movies of the year.
Baby - this morning - decided that MY FOOT was a good target to pee on during our walk. I was astonished. Luckily I was wearing my rubber clogs, which I purchased for walks through gorges. Little bastard.
Tomorrow, back to work full-time - two weeks gone with the holiday, the head injury and the flu. I need movement again. I do love Ithaca, but I'm hopelessly bored. And why doesn't every restaurant in this town deliver? Got rid of the Christmas tree yesterday morning and my living room is back to normal.
Signing off.
The 40 Best Celebrity Rumors Ever
-Marilyn Monroe and JFK
-that nerdy kid from that show with Fred Savage is Marilyn Manson (can't for the life of me remember the name of the show)
-Jamie Lee Curtis was born with a peep
Click on the title of the post to read he full list
Thursday, January 04, 2007
perhaps the CW channel will pick up the O.C. and bring back Mischa Barton.
watched American Dreamz - terrible and The Thumbsucker - just ok. i'm bored out of my fucking mind.
O.C. Cancelled
I think we called it over New Year's weekend.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Loving Dresses Again
Check out Can't wait to stock up on vacation wear for our big travel plans in July!
I'm coming down with a bug. Last week it was my head injury. I still have a nice little knot between my eyebrows, and this week I'm just exhausted. I have the chills now and can barely keep my head off my desk.
Sleepy. Signing off.