AZ brilliantly commented that Katie Holmes looks as if she's carrying Snoopy.
Some more on the Whitney front. This is truly raunchy. For dirty minds only. Yeah, I know you all are reading.
If you thought the Whitney Houston drug scandal of 2006 could not get any better, you were wrong!In a shocking interview last week, The National Enquirer revealed in graphic detail - pictures included - Houston's cracked out mess of a life.Now, this week's cover shouts, "Bobby Brown's Sister Reveals....Drug Crazed Witney's SECRET GAY LIFE."Brilliant!!!And, spreading it all out over two weeks was inspired.Paying Tina Brown a reported $200,000 was well worth every penny!According to The Enquirer, when Whitney is high on crack, she "takes part in lesbian sex, chases any man who comes into her house, and locks herself for hours on end in her bathroom to use her vast collection of sex toys."SO HOT!!!Tina Brown says that it's common knowledge among family members that Whitney has affairs with women.And, Houston's appetite to pleasure her pussy is so powerful that she has a massive collection of sex toys to pleasure herself."They are all around the damn house," says Tina. "I'm constantly having to get them up. I don't want the kids to find them."Whitney loves her "toys" a lot and loves to spend quality time with them, claims Brown."She locks herself in the bathroom and you hear the 'Vrooom!'," says Tina. "She smokes some crack and says, 'I gotta go.' You know what she's gonna do. It's constant. She be in there for hours, and then I have to call out, 'You all right?' She'll say, 'Yeah,' and she can't talk. Her voice is so hoarse."
On the Annie front...Last night I passed out on the couch around 8pm after eating some Moo Shu Pork. The lack of sleep is catching up to me. Left Dan to clean up the dinner mess, walk the dogs and record LOST for me. I went upstairs, brushed my teeth...didn't even wash my face or put on any of my night creams!...and snuggled into bed. NOPE. COULDN'T SLEEP. 20 minutes later I'm downstairs agonizing through that Freddie Prince show that comes on before LOST. I love episodes that focus on Hurley. Made it through the program and went up to bed to read. Still on The Secret Lives of Bees. Someone in the book committed suicide and I'm wondering why everything I've read since my mom died has to do with death and suicide. It's not like I'm buying the books. They've all been traded and I'm just working through stacks I've had for a year! Even the two episodes of CSI I watched yesterday had suicides. Dan was finally like, "What the fuck?"
Anyway, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty from the Chinese food. More so than any other time. My poor Moo is losing feelings in his nether regions. He peed on me this morning as I was carrying him down the stairs for his morning walk. We're taking him to Cornell for his vaccinations tomorrow which will lead to another appointment hopefully with a neurologist. I've already mopped the floor downstairs, cleaned the stairs and ran a load of laundry this morning.
My new favorite thing is the Itty Bitty Booklight. Little sucker packs a punch.
OK so Stace - we missed the premiere video of the Chili's Dani California video on Tuesday night. They had previous during 8th and Ocean, my new secret pleasure at 10pm on Tuesday nights - MTV. I didn't watch it until yesterday though. Kiedis looks hot with the new hair length. it's a little hillybilly but it works.
To here a preview of the song (if you don't have iTunes) you can go to about.com. Click on the title of the post and it will bring you there.
I have to scan a picture of Anthony Kiedis and that dingbat Tara Reid at the LA Fashion Week (saw it in OK - my second new favorite thing). Out of all people to be photographed with...Come on Anthony.
There is this bird out of our bedroom window that makes some serious fucking noise. I should go feed Tumor Duck at Stewart Park this weekend. Signing off.
1 comment:
dude, that belly on holmes looks fake it's that goddamn huge.
I'm so sad about Moo. So sorry to hear. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
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