happy list: fresh cut grass (from kimmee); a cigarette and a cup of coffee in the morning (purely Annie)
what the fuck? list: J-Lo
hot list: Becks

Happy 31st Birthday to AZ. We love you Baby.
This ridiculous blog was created for the cast of characters I call my best friends. I want them to know when I wake up, when I drink coffee, when I take Moo for a walk and when I, er, pass gas...while I'm in Ithaca.
OMG, couldn't agree w/ you more with J-Ho. Can't f'n stand her.
Anyone know if she's ever performed live - or did a concert? My crazy-theory is that she's the next Milli Vanilli. uh-huh.
I agree - been saying that for years. Why didn't she sing in Selena?
Shann - I love the words dirty and spoiled togethers
OMG - Stacy you nailed that sucka on the head. Stoooopid Victoria Beckham - what a moron. Y'know she was recently spotted seeing a surgeon in Madrid. What the f'else could she possibly manipulate on her doggone body?
Dude, and what's up with D.Donuts? I don't know if this is just the Island, but they used to have 9 coffee flavors - my fav was blueberry. Shit's "no longer available" - what's that all about? I think there are like 4 or 5 avail now. pisses me off, b/c I was right there w/ you: Iced Coffee... yum!
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