Monday, November 28, 2005

About Her Part I

This is more for me than for anyone else. As each day passes, I make a mental list of things that I will miss about my mom. (It just so happens that a lot of things are food oriented. Gosh that woman could cook.) It's funny, but even when she was alive, there are things that I needed from her and missed about her on a daily basis (as I hope you all realize about your own parents)... It's dinner time and you're craving your mom's special pasta. You just got out of a hellacious meeting and you really want to discuss it with your dad. You need advice from your mom about the amount of money to give as a wedding gift...

Mom, these are the things that made me so happy.

  1. the day you told me you were pregnant with Amy
  2. the smile on your face when you watched Peter get off of his flight from Guatemala to the U.S.
  3. pumpkin pancakes
  4. eggnog pancakes
  5. sausage and green apple stuffing
  6. arroz con gondules
  7. pasta with diced tomatoes and mozzarella
  8. discussing our favorite tv shoes like LOST and Desperate Housewives
  9. trading books
  10. shopping at TJ Maxx
  11. buying gifts for her from my trips
  12. her delight at opening those gifts
  13. watching her decorate the Christmas tree
  14. stuffed peppers
  15. seeing her in her penny loafers
  16. watching her dance
  17. smoking cigarettes with her on the deck
  18. empanadas
  19. talking to her everyday on the phone
  20. asking her, "how the hell do I cook this?"
  21. gossipping about celebs
  22. christmas shopping together
  23. eating pecan sticky buns from the place in the Danbury Mall
  24. watching the Thanksgiving Day parade together and commenting on the new floats
  25. her birthday gifts
  26. dumping out the contents of my christmas stocking before her eyes
  27. watching her opening the christmas gifts I so carefully picked out for her and knowing how much she loved them
  28. breakfast on christmas morning
  29. rapping over a freshly brewed cup of coffee
  30. talking to her about my recent successes
  31. watching her kiss and hug the pugs
  32. watching her take care of Pen Pen
  33. seeing her curled up on the couch in her pj's
  34. watching her run her hands through her beautiful hair
  35. the smile she had when she said something bad
  36. the smile she had when I said something bad
  37. watching movies together, which she would usually fall asleep during
  38. the look on her face when she walked into a store that she really liked
  39. eating Chinese food together
  40. walking the dogs together
  41. borrowing her jewelry, shoes and shawls for special occasions
  42. the smile on her face when she returned from a dinner with her husband
  43. her sweet smell
  44. the shine of her hair
  45. potato salad
  46. nacho dip
  47. hearing her sing Spanish songs


Anonymous said...

I remember some delicious pasta (rice?)left-over you (she?) brought to the office one day, you said it was one of her specialties. All I remember was that it was so, so good.

Share some recipes with us!

Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Great idea Kathryn - couldn't agree more.. if you care to share, please do!
I remember stopping over on t-day and pickin on the remains, and even they were yummy. Cakes/Pies - OMG. Jason recalls them best, too.

But most of all, I'm thankful for the few times that I came to see you Annie, and we also got to see your Mother. Whether it was a quickie driveby or if we stopped at her house for a bit.

One moment in particular that I'll never forget is the day we went garage sale hopping and we stopped at the pizza place. She began asking how things were going with my wedding plans, and I must admit, I was looking for that familiar smile of approval - which I lovingly received from both of you. Her comfort made me feel at ease. Just one of those memories that sticks out - - with a lump in my throat.

Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

These are so marvelous. So touching to the heart, mind and soul.
Just remarkable.

Annie N. said...

Kathryn - I think it was something called chile (with an accent over the e) that she made. We had it with tortillas. I don't know how to explain what it is.

Anonymous said...

watching her run her hands through her beautiful hair

I loved mom's hair so much. I pretend mine looks like hers sometime, but most of the time I fail .. with my nappy wavey thing on my head.

Thank god for blowdryers.
