Monday, November 28, 2005

Post T-Day and All That

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I realized that my cooking skills aren't nearly as bad as they used to be, and I managed to pull off the annual feast without getting anyone sick. In fact, the food tasted pretty damn good. Overall, the day was as good as it possibly could be.

The past few days have been strange. Before we left I dropped my pearl earring--the very last birthday present from my mom--down the bathroom sink drain. Dan found me on the bathroom floor crying. Being the wonderful guy that he is, he created this thin tubing hooked up to the wet/dry vac to go down the drain. It didn't work, but his sweet attempts put me at ease. We called maintenance and while we were gone for holiday they managed to fish it out.

We got digital cable and a DVR before we left, so that made me feel better. At least I now have my mindless comfort machine.

My aunt and cousin came up to W.C. on Friday and we went thru my mom's things. The weekend of the wake, I found this very old photo album from the 70s with pics of my mom in high school. My aunt told me that my mom used to sell pot. That made me laugh. Only my mom...

I have more to write, but I've got to get some work done. Signing off.


Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Moms the dealer! Man, maybe that's why she was sooo curious when you told her how I had to puff to calm down some. OMG. Classic.

So I hosted my first thxgvg, and all went well - but that's probably because Jason's side of the family was not in attendance. Oops! did that come out-out loud? Whoopsie. Food was delish and left-overs galore. Lovin it.

Dude, I knew you could cook! That's wonderful to hear tho- I'm so happy for you! My little babooshka.

So besides the earring crisis.. (which BTW - awesome that the maint was able to get it out! whoohoo!) how else have days been strange?

Mindless comfort machine. Brilliant. My machine was on ALLL wkend, and loved every second of doing nothing besides eating and veggin. It was like a mini-vaca. Thank heavens.

NICE! a DVR - excuse the blonde moment, but that is one that that can write DVDs? Copy or something?

I'm glad you had what sounded like nice wkend. Please write more (when you can of course!) Missed you much, sweets!

Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Shannon - thanks you dear child for helping me out. I had a feeling.. but not sure. Yah, totally want a TiVo or the DVR. Can you tell Santa for me? Thanks.

Why grow up? It's totally over rated, anyhooo. F-it!

Okay - so I am jealous of you both for being in warm weather..even tho it's like almost 60 today.. won't last. F'n weatherman is always wrong. That Bastid.

Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

One question Meredith - how do they plug these lights in? JK- I can only imagine how friggin tacky that looks. Wow; A new level of xmas horror. Who'd a thunk it?

So Shannon - sup w/ the blood thinning? BOOOOOZE, perhaps? kidding!
Sorry, I'm in a sarcastic mood and work is like dead today. Seems all are still out galavanting, enjoying sales I suppose. wish I was there, too.

Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Crap, did I just piss my pants? Oh my, that was a good one.

I agree Shan - sometimes I wish for days (and more days) like that at a time. However, don't think I was trying to throw a punch at you, Meridith (I had no idea).

A'ight.. I'm having another moron moment. What's up with the blood thinning? Does it just happen when you move south b/c of the weather? Man, I sure do feel like an idiot today boy.

Funny - my father- when I was a child (about 10 - 13 yrs old) playing soccer in the winter, in the freezing weather.. ready for this one? He would fill the thermal thermos with a fine blended Scotch-Whiskey "to keep warm." When I got off the field onto the sidelines, "Here Kim - warm up a bit." Sheesh, if only the referee's knew (screw what I knew!)

Annie N. said...

ok - i've been laughing thru all of these back and forth comments, but the straw that broke the camel's back is good ole Frank Peters bringing scotch on the soccer field. That's just classic.

Annie N. said...

that was some good linguini - remember that Stace - then we fell asleep to the Sandlot.

Mom was too much. Gotta love it.