I'm a little jittery today. Not sure what the deal is. Yesterday my brain was fried, and I wasn't very productive ont the work front.
Dan was going through my blog yesterday--as he was scrolling down he came to the picture of Patrick Dempsey and he asked, "Is that me?" I was rolling.
Today the heat and hot water in our apartment is not working. Also, our cable is out. The three month stretch of free cable is over. Now it's time to pay up. Sucks. Great when I have two other TV addicts in my apartment this weekend...
We went to Rick and Emily's to watch LOST last night. The Michelle Rodriguez character annoys me. Anyone agree?
We took this picture about two weeks after I moved here. This tree lives at the Cornell Arboretum. For some reason, it reminded me of Kimmee.

The tree was beautiful and interesting and I could just immediately see Kimmee wanting to climb it. It's really not that far-fetched.
Anyway, the heat and hot water is back on.
I can't get satellite in this complex. They won't allow it. Time Warner Cable won't come out for another weeek, but we haven't ordered it yet.
Ok, OK! I'm here to comment now...
1. Annie, do you remember that funky tree that was on the Purchase campus that everyone called the elephant tree? Could that be why it reminded you of it? I do have many wasted memories there.. but I don't know if you were with me. Sorry. Like I said. I was pretty trashed.
2. I used to draw a lot of trees, I find them very easy to sketch and very soothing to the eye.
3. I did partially climb a tree when we went pumpkin picking that time.
Okay, that's all I've got in me.
Anyhooo - have a great time this weekend, give huggies and kissies to all. Much love ~XOX~
Of course I remember the funky tree on campus. In fact, you were the one that brought me there...
Damn my burnt-ass memory for only kicking in partially. phooey.
Shit girl, I love you. And I love our memories. Shit.
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