Kimmee has requested that I add Wentworth Miller to the hot list. He's ok, but I liked him in The Human Stain.
I'm still having trouble getting the pic of Peter Sarsgaard up and it's pissing me off. I went searching for another and that one isn't posting either. Fucking blogger. I did find a full frontal pic.
Anyone care to find me a new one?
Anyway, I like my grief counselor. He seems like a sweetheart. It's good to know that all of my ups and downs are perfectly normal. If I was still in bed, not changing my clothes and not reacting to anything, then he would be concerned. What I wasn't realizing is that I, Amy, Peter and Cliff have really been thru an extremely traumatic situation. Having dealt with so much bullshit for some many years and seen some pretty crazy things, I was thinking that my mother's death was almost run of the mill. It's not though--at all. And what we've all lived through for the past 10 years is not OK. I'll be OK, but nothing we've lived through has been ordinary.
Thanks for posting my cutie. Sorry if no one agrees - oh well.
I sent ya some Sarsgaard pics.. good luck w/ them.
Glad you like the grief guy, and all that you are realizing is good stuff.
I LOVE THIS KID. I watch prison break every monday. I love human stain but he's just HOT. I hope he's not 19 then I'll feel bad.
I am glad you have someone to talk to that can give you some peace.
oh - i'm so glad some one else loves him. I can't get enough of him. I make my husband keep quiet during prisonbreak - and if not, I'll go to a different tv, I"m that obsessed. It's all good. Geez, I hope he's not 19 - that will suck. Well, not really - he is after all, old enough! ahaha.
Oh, I think he's a beautiful specimen. the mouth on that boy. OK I will stop. Not many men have that effect.
This lady I know married her first cousin. They kind of look alike which is a little eerie.
I'm cracking up: Old enough to feed themselves. LOL - you kill me.
Holy shit, married her first cousin? Eerie is not the word... shiz, that be foul play and it's just plan 'ol nastaay! EWW!
Just answer this- do they have kids? I really wanna know if the whole - 6th finger or 3rd eye is possible with incest. uck. just disgusting!
nah, they have a gorgeous daughter but they will not have another one. I love this girl but I guess she could only him to marry her so whatev'. Wait when are they old enough to feed themselves. that was funny!
They are in Georgia.
AM see what you started?
I'm rolling over here...thanks for those laughs.
S'wait.. lemme get this straight. The incestuous daughter is gorgeous. Excuse me while I pick my face up off the floor. so tell me, is this where all these pretty models come from - huh!
dude, I"m still flabberghasted.
She looks just like them and they look alike so its pretty interesting and I just laugh.
We should do research on Miss America to see who many have two of the same last names like Buffy Smith Smith.
AZ - I knew it was too good to be true. Figures. All you good lookers. DAMNIT! I still wanna jump his bones tho- As I was watching prison break last night, telling my husband.. if he ever came along.. oh boy!
That is great news. If I can't have him then NO other woman should. How selfish is that?!
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