Tuesday, November 01, 2005

October 26, 2005

I will make the right decisions.
I will forgive.
I will never hate.
I will never be a hypocrite.
I will raise good-hearted children.
I will marry a man that will make it his priority to be the best father and husband he can be.
I will cherish my friends.
I will cherish my family and those you truly loved--Amy, Peter, Papa, Abby, Pen Pen, Maggie, Marshy, Baby, Titi Dorothy, Tio Junior, Tio Frankie, Tio Greg, Tio Angel, Amanda, Chris, Greggy, Ally, Christine, Titi Atwilda and Uncle John, Jane and Gino, Gail and Marty, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Emily and Laura, Stormy, Dan. If I'm forgetting someone, I'm sorry.
I will raise Amy and Peter to appreciate what's good in this world, in this one life we lead. I will make sure they pursue their desires, they fulfill their destinies.
I will make sure Cliff becomes the father he could be, and I will help him through his anger. I will help to make him a better person.
But most of all, I will make sure that everything you believed you did wrong, I will make right. I will do it to honor you, but I will do it for the future of our family, the future of Amy and Peter's families, for the future of my own.
I'm sorry Mommy. I'm sorry I couldn't hold you in your darkest hour. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I would take care of you. I'm sorry I couldn't make the pain stop.
If I could hug you and smell you one last time, I would give up everything.
Rest in peace My Beautiful Angel.
Love forever, Annie


Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

I couldn't wait for a blog entry, but couldn't pressure.
But, I missed you so much. It's like I somehow thrive off this page --

Then, I read, I cry, I blot my messy mascara. But damnit, I hate that waterproof shit.

Remember, she is and has always been proud. You too, are the Angel.

I love you Ann-Marie. Can't wait to see you. Here, for whenever.

SM said...

You truly are a wonderful daughter. You will be an amazing mother!