Last night I had a craving for icecream sundays. I went out and got all the fixins--reeces pieces bits, crushed nuts, caramel and butterscotch. It was fantastic. First, I poured myself a cheap glass of sweet wine--y'know the kind you find at the supermarket--and watched the premiere of the Gilmore Girls. That's another weird thing with me lately--I'm drinking this crappy wine that's basically sparkly, fruity-flavored water, and I'm also eating pastrami. I'm always having a craving for pastrami. Seriously, I don't think I have evern in my life ordered or eaten by myself a pastrami sandwich. Anyway...
Yesterday the exhaustion finally hit me, and I became restless and irritable. Is was bad. It's funny that when my mom doesn't hear from me for two days she begins to worry and then she gets mad. I used to go weeks--months even--without speaking to her.
I fucked up on the recent article I had due in. I couldn't get my sources. I actually couldn't find any substantial research. It was difficult, and it's not weighing well with me. I need my girls to take my mind off of things.
I wandered into my bed again last night. AND, I had taken my super headache medication that makes me sleepy.
Time to take The Boys out for a walk. First, let me share a very funny picture I received from an e-mail titled, "If we don't win the war."

Yo - I wanna see that exorcism movie soo bad that me and ann horsky have a date to see it like ASAP. Apparently Tom, her man, can like download it from somewhere, something.. ummm.. I dunno the details. It sounds like something sketchy - but I don't really give a damn, I just wanna see the friggin movie. I never saw the complete Exorcist - bits-n-pieces here and there, no desire I guess. I'm totally drawn to this one b/c it is a true story I suppose. Fascinates the fudge outta me. Thrilled to the gills I tell ya. And, I can't see it with Jason - the 6 foot 2 chicken shit who gets nightmares from some scary movie promos.. so he's out. But I'm supposed to see this soon.. once I do see it, I'll be sure to give you the blow by blow.
Moving right along.. when we were moving you that wkend, and after Jason greeted your mom.. he sneaked over to me and was like.. her mom is hysterical. I asked, "why.. what happened?" He whispered, "she said she's never met me but was glad I was helping" bends over and picks up a stack of boxes, "didn't we go there for a thxgvg, and another time or haven't I seen her like 2or 3x?" I just smiled and said.. "don't worry bout it - that is why me and annie relate SO much on so many family topics and issues! Both of our moms are absolute nut jobs!" Which leads me to another relation.. I was busy this past week and my mom pulled the same crap - where I didn't call her for like 4 days.. and when I finally DID call her, her non-working ass has the nerve to say, "OH I was just going to call you MISSY - where have you been? I've missed you"(all sweet sounding) and when I explain that I haven't had time to chat, suddenly she turns all evilbitchmonster on me. It's like, gee, I'm so glad I called. What the fuq. I gotta go ma's - don't got time for this crap. Lata.
Ain't it funny how parent's behave?
So - what's up w/ the clock on this damn blogger? Cuz I know you aren't up - typing at 5:48am sistah.
Did I help take your mind off things w/ my lovely phone call this am? Interesting, eh? What did Stacy have to say? Tell her yet?
My clock says 8:48. Anyway, my mom asked me if she met Jason before. I told her that you guys came over for Thankgiving and she still couldn't remember. She's only him once tho'.
Stacy said she wasn't surprised. She just wanted to know who the Daddy was cause she thought they had done it again.
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