Have you ever seen such an ugly shoe? I came across it in the clearance section of the TJ Maxx site.
I don't think that I told you guys that I have a garbage disposal. I've never lived anywhere with a garbage disposal. It's a wonderful thing. I have to stop myself from shoving too much down there. Yet another thing that has changed my life.
OK - so I'm a little restless...talking about this fugly shoe and a garbage disposal. Anway, tomorrow is Friday and my friend Meg has a very special ritual. Every Friday when she gets home from work she takes a shot of whatever the hell she wants to say goodbye to the week and to kick off the weekend. I think that's just brilliant. So everybody, when you get home take a shot of Tequilla (except for you Stace) and salute the Mexican living in Ithaca. Signing off.
a SHOE? Man, my first look at that and I thought it was a scrunchee with extensions or something. That ain't no shoe! Hell no! It be fugly as all hell!
Ohhh. A garbage disposal. I envy you, my dear. I have never lived with one either, but I have stayed places with one. I must agree with the temptation to shove endless amounts of crap in it. One of the resorts that we stayed at in Hilton Head had one.. and I found my self wondering ... with random crap.. will this fit? Will this go down? Jason literally had to pull me away. I was fascinated.
Yo - LOVE the shot idea. Gonna do it as soon as I get home. I think it's a great idea.
i'll be careful with them measuring spoons.
our's is new so it works like supah-dupah.
not good with melon rinds either. got to make them small.
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