When you live in a studio everything you need is really no more than five steps away. Now, I have to go upstairs to use the bathroom, grab my nail file and my cuticle cutter, we have DVDs both upstairs and down...My morning coffee experience requires some 4 trips up and down the stairs.
Anyway, were any of you fans of Peter Jennings? I watched him since I can remember. These days I fell the loss. No one could report the news like him.
So last night, I got a takeout burrito from Viva. It was excellent.
So Dan took the boys for a walk a little while aog, and as Moo was taking a.m. pooh, this

group of Asian women started laughing and pointing at him. They thought his pooh-making was soo cute. So they came over to pet The Boys. They Dan were all giggly. Once they had their fill, they started walking off to school. At this point Turdy had done his job so he started heading in the direction of the house, which happened to be the same direction the girls were walking. They kept turning around, laughing and commenting that Turdy was following them. He wanted to go to school with them...Little do they know that Turday can't stand to be away from his Mama for more than five minutes. He' only recently felt comfortable with Dan walking him.
I'm sorry. In the future, change the fucking channel. You see what you did to yourself?
Here, here My Friend. I do have a carafe, but I don't know what I've done with it. It made it to Ithaca, but when I was unpacking I started throwing stuff away like a madwoman because it wasn't fitting in my kitchen. I've packed away the remainder of the kitchen boxes in the coat closet and I'm afraid to move them again. I think I will have to tho'
awwww shiz - battle of the beotches is getting good. think I'm just gonna sit back and watch.
Not that anyone cares, but I used to be a vegetarian by choice - ain't no thang. However.. be careful Stacy.. I kept getting sick. Lack-o-protein. Had to eat some meat..chicken and turkey now.
Annie, a carafe is a sweet item. You wouldn't have thrown that out. LOOK!
that's ruthless.
I'm laughing so hard, I fell off my chair again. Thank GOD the entire office didn't come running in- Phew! no one saw-
You guys are hysterical.
I wonder how big the bruise will be?
stoopid. why you always falling off that chair?
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