I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Today I miss Howard Stern. His show has gotten me out of bed since high school, and I haven't heard his X-rated epithets for 16 days. I think there is a station that's here, but I haven't found it yet.
It finally hit me how much my life has changed. Not one aspect of my former routine is still in place. I wake up and go to bed at a different time. I don't go sit in a shitty cubicle all day. I don't drink Green Mountain every morning. I don't watch The Family Guy before I go to bed. I don't rush to the TV at 8pm. I DON'T HAVE DIRECTV ANYMORE. I have to walk The Boys three times a day. I haven't driven my car in two weeks. (BTW, my car insurance just went down $320 a year!) I don't even have the same coffee pot--my filthy white Mr. Coffee that I had for three faithful years. I haven't had TV night with Shannon. I haven't talked to Kimmee on my drive home from work to vent about the day's atrocities. I didn't even get to watch the last two episodes of Entourage. I can't smoke in the house anymore.
And I wonder why I'm compelled to crawl into my old bed every night.
My head hurts. Today has been really difficult. Lots of deadlines. Lots of second-guessing myself.
Here's my other gripe - one of Dan's best friends neglected to include my name on an invitation, which I believe is to his engagement party. It reads Dan Bouza and Guest. Me, Stace, Shans and Kimmee have bitched about this all morning. All we have to say is "What the fucking FUCK." (Oh, and fuck a fucking duck.) That's so many levels of wrong. I have been with Dan for 4 years. I have just moved my entire life to be with this man and his best friend can't manage to put my name on an invitation.
Now, I thought my non-confrontational companion would dismiss this with a "not a big deal," but oh-no, he's not too happy about it.
Should I boycott? I'm actually pretty shocked at how hurt I am about all of this. Goes to show what they think of me.
Kimmee would like me to share her story on a similar experience.
"Please note that these people were invited to our wedding, and the invitation we sent, was OF COURSE addressed properly to two people that WERE NOT MARRIED. When we received the invitation, Jason was referred to as GUEST, even though he was now my husband and this person KNEW THAT. This person was my co-worker. Not only was Jason insulted but he was furious knowing that he was thought of like this. Me, I became a f'n lunatic and almost refused to work w/ this person AT work. Yah.. Leave it to me to take it to another level. Yup. This was also done to another person I work with, who received an invitation to the wedding.. And her husband was referred to as GUEST. And she too.. Almost lost it."
Okay - this entry made me tear up and miss you and don't think that our lives haven't changed either. SO - here's your pep talk that you always ask for.
FIND THAT DAMN HOWARD STERN STATION. If you can't, call the Howard Stern station and ask them what it is. If that doesn't work, look it up online, write a letter- do whatever it takes to get your morning started off right. It's like a good morning shit, if it doesn't get off to a good start, who knows what the day will bring. Constapation, cramps.. liquid.. ewwww.
Lets face it dahlink, life is going to change. Shit, my life has already changed just by not discussing our work atrocities once or twice a week at best. Not that I"m trying to replace you, but I TRIED (past tense here) talking to my mother. What a f'n mistake that was.. speaking to a woman who doesn't work and considers gardening 3x a wk an actual job. Yah - okay. And here I was just trying to vent. OISH!
But dude, feel free to bust into the old bed - enjoy the memories and shit, like you said - it's only been 2 wkes! Hate to break it to you, but you gon be having these feelings hitting you for a while...
But have no fear - as you can see from the invitation/name issue that was displayed yesterday - you have plenty of people that love and care for you. Support is here. No worries mamma.
Life may change, but the backbone will remain the same.
Maybe the guest thing bothered you because you are ready for the next step. Yah Dr. Phil and I uhuh we are tight.
When we got married, Carlos and I had to go to EVERY guests house and give them the invitation formally and tell them we'd love to have them there. Im so glad I got married in Uruguay (where I was raise in the wild just not abused) but I do forget my manner more than 4 times a week (this morning was one example)
That is why my wedding was small. Most of the guests were Carlos' family and I still don't know who came BUT we did have 3 hookers as surprised guests, and I can proove it I GOT VIDEO.
Hope your 3rd week goes a lot smoother and you don;t go to any more smelly places. I have some Hazelnut waiting for you here when you decide to HONOR us with your visit. I would like to meet Kimberlee, she sounds fun!.
I couldn't agree more with the whole "next step" thing. Me personally, I'm really not a Dr. Phil type of person, more like a Judge Judy - but who really cares. It's all logic really.
And secretly - even tho this is on a damn web site.. I thought it was gonna happen before the travels to Ithaca. Ah - one can hope, right?
Kimmee is the best. You guys would crack each other up.
Your wedding sounds right up my alley...hookers and all.
You can see me in the video going: who the hell is that? it was my uncle that decided that they should come and he was drunk and asked the to come in. tight white pants and all that! it was too funny for words but some guys ended up with some numbers.
yeah well, very good there AnnMarie, just skip that you read what we wrote. Denial that is the best route.
I love Dr. Phil, I got his books all of them and actually I am very surprised I have not been a guest on his show. One can wish!
So, AM when areyou going to come visit??? it's not like you moved to bum fuck or is it???
I miss you here, there was drama and you were not around.
i forgot to comment about what you wrote. I disagree with you. If you knew the history with these so-called friends, then it would make it easier to understand. To me it's basic etiquette and an issue of class. They know who I am; I've hung out with them for four years. I've talked to them on the phone since I've been here. So they should address an invite to me too.
I'll be in town for Shannon's wedding in October, but I really don't have time to visit anyone. At least I don't think. It's a matter if Dan is on a break that week. Also, this month I just don't have the energy to venture to NY. I thought I might have to this Friday for a biz mtg, but I don't and I'm happy about it. If I come home to soon it'll throw me off psychologically.
Work drama...over it. The only drama I got is...I don't got any.
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