Tuesday, September 06, 2005

So It's Day 9

OK - so now that The Moo is home, I can get on to other biz. Sunday was our first anniversary of living together and my first full week in Ithaca. We have not yet gone out to dinner nor have we visited The Commons, the trendy outdoor pedestrian mall.

Today I did break the vacuum. I'll try and take some pics of the pad tonight and post. Since I don't own a camera, it will be from Dan's cameraphone. What? You don't own a frigging camera? Cameras, vaccuums, VCRs, cell phones--these devices are Annie's Top Breakable Products. I can live life completely without a VCR and a camera. Time for some coffee. Signing off.


Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Yo - I thought you could like repair your vacuum? what the fudge? you were like my manly hero in that respect. what did you suck up.. could it have been a weeks worth of your curlyQfro?

So, how's living together? how am I doing w/ these "comments?"

Annie N. said...

Kim, Don't worry. I will fix that mofo vacuum. Yes, there is massive ammounts of my hair stuck in that thing. It's disgusting.

Annie N. said...


I'm actually a hop, skip and a jump from the biggest veterinary school in the country.

I love watching movies too. I haven't even set up my DVD player yet, because I can't find the remote!

So you're in Montreal. I love it there. It's absolutely wonderful.