So I was at the Pyramid Mall last night. It's the only true mall in Ithaca and it's one floor. So I'm at Old Navy trying on some pants--as an aside, I don't know why I keep going in there, you know some 6-year-old in Cambodia makes those clothes--and I realize that the O.C. premiere is tonight. It's like 7:35 and I've got five pairs of pants. I managed to try all the pants on, bust out the Pyramid, and make it home with enough time to pour myself a giant glass of the Boone's type wine I keep buying at the supermarket.
The O.C. was goooood. My favorite line by Marissa to Summer, "I shot someone, Sum."
Did anyone catch the show Reunion? It's very John Hughes meets Bret Easton Ellis. The show is set to some great 80's music - Cyndi, A-Ha, The Bangles.
Speaking of The Bangles and Cyndi - AZ - did I tell you I saw Anthony at the Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert the week before I moved here? We almost bumped into each other, but he didn't see me and I didn't pursue. Mofo.
I decided to check out the local Fox News at 10pm. (I was back in my old TV-mode last night...also smoking away in the house, which I'm not supposed to.) Well, the local Fox news anchor is just God awful. She annoyed me to unprecedented levels. I'll let it go now.
Last thing for this morn...What Ithaca is lacking...a Cosco (sorry Dan) and a Citibank.
Oh and isn't Clive Owen hot? If you haven't already, see Closer ( It's raw and the characters are despicable. Clive--by far--makes that movie what it is. Signing off.

Wait! One last thing. I think it's funny that spell check suggested I replace Cyndi with cyanide.
Leave it to me to have no friggin clue when all the good shows are on. I sware, I seem to always have this problem, how do you always know what's on?
Glad to hear that it sounds like you are back to drinking casually tho- *smile*
Unfortunately, last night Moms came over and gave me one of her fierce pills, to which she did not know the name of but swore by it.
She helped me narrow down my 500-something proofs to about 60 for my photo album for that is dragging over my head just slightly lighter than those damn thank you notes.
About 3 1/2 hours later, I'm loopy - mom leaves, I pass out, feeling damn accomplished.
Wake up - jaw is like 95% better. This only further concludes that I love drugs and they love me.
you have up to one year from the date of your wedding to get the thank you's out.
i'm glad you're not in so much pain anymore.
Dude, I caught pieces of Reunion at the gym last night. Alas, no sound (prolly an improvement). Is it just me or is it supposed to take place in Westchester??? I could see some of our high school classmates committing crimes like that. Wait, didn't they???
And damn yo, that guy from 6 Feet is FINE!
yes, reunion started off in beford, ny.
6 Ft. I think you mean Peter Krause. I'll post a picture a picture of him too. Clive Owen is from Closer, Without Borders-Beyond Borders, whatever the fuck it is.
Stacy - I admitted to falling off the bandwagon. Hey, I've been here for 12 days and I had one good night of TV. I think that's pretty unbelievable.
Heh, while Peter Krause ain't nothin' to sneeze at, I meant Mathew St. Patrick is HOT. He's David's boyfriend, Keith, on 6 Feet, and the detective in Reunion. My favorite line in 6 feet under is when Keith tells David, "I LOOOVE fucking women." Yup, yup.
OhmiGod -
I can't believe I forgot to tell you too. For some reason I thought I told you. In fact, in my head we had a convo about it. Scary.
Dude, I think that mofo was wearing the same hat I gave him seven years ago. He looked exactly the same - body, everthing. It was weird. My heart was about to spring forth from my chest tho'. it was pretty crazy.
Of course she's gonna say yes.
But just imagine if she didn't...that would really shake shit up, eh?
Jilly -
I can't believe I didn't make that connection! Michael St. Patrick. That man is fiiiine. He's got a lot of sex appeal - tho' I still love Nate...
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