I didn't post this morning. Partially because I had to drive Danny Boy to school--and because I haven't had a moment's peace until right now...but I still haven't plenty of work to do.
I was on the phone with Jodi B. this morning and I saw the squirrel I see everyday at the same time bouncing across the street with what looks like a tennis ball in its mouth. (I will tell you my other squirrel stories at a later date. It's a fascinating animal.) I'm like, "Holy shit. I can't believe this squirrel can hold on to a tennis ball." Jodi B. tells me to go take a picture...but, remember? I don't have a camera. Anyway, as the squirrel moves closer, I realize it's not a tennis ball but a gigantic apple from MY APPLE TREE. Yes, the one down the street that I will be eating from once the works runs dry. That little bastard.
Anyway, last night after I dropped Dan off at his Citibank recruitment function, I hit the good ole Pyramid Mall. I've been waiting for the GAP to have a sale. I bought a black button down shirt and a some sorta see-thru nighgown number with the gift certificate Dan gave me for my B-Day. I've taken to wearing lingerie to bed lately...if you care to know. I used to bring all of my nighties on vacation, but lately I just wear them every night. They're wonderfully comfortable as long as they don't have straps, pullies, feathers and bows.
Anyway, Bath & Body Words is discontinuing my favorite scent Plumeria. Those bastards. I've got about 10 spritzes left of the Gardenia scent they did away with about 5 years ago. Anyway, I purchased two bottles of body spray. Then, I hit the pet store where I was tempted to buy some more fish. In the move here, we lost Mr. Turdyhead and Slut. AquaMoo III died a week prior. RIP. I refrained, talked to the family buying the cute lil dwarf bunny, and walked out with some lightbulbs for the fishtank and Greenies for The Boys.
I hit Hallmark for some cards for Amez and Peter. Moms says they have been very good lately, so I wanted to send them a little note telling them how proud I am. My final stop was Hollywood Video where I opened up a membership. I rented Crash, but didn't watch yet.
So what do we think about Sex and the City on five nights a week? Those chicks are going to make a boatload off of syndication.
News Headline of the Day
Kate Moss Admits to Being a Cokehead; Gets Dropped By H & M
(as if we didn't already know that)
Yo - how do you know it's the same squirrel? Did you tag it or something?
I think you should barracade the apple tree. Make it like Fort Nieves ova there. Hold it down!
Agree on the lingerie tenfold, definitely no straps or pullies! yo - did away with feathers and bows ages ago. Damn feathers tickle & wake me up mid-o-the night, got me a'scratchin! Bows.. they is cute. If I am wearing lingerie, do you think that am I trying to approach the word "cute?"
Thanks for filling me in on the fishies. Never knew! Props to Dan, the aqua loving man..
What channel is Sex and the City on? That sounds great since sometimes I feel like I've missed sooo many episodes.. or I passed out!
let me know how crash is..
The WB11 at 11pm.
IT's also the only channel that is the same up here.
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