Ok. I have a lot to say this morning. I actually woke up about 20 minutes ago. (Stace, you would be proud.)
We made great strides with the apartment yesterday. I should really call it a townhouse cuz that's what it is . The kitchen is complete, the office is just about done--at least my papers aren't all over the floor--and I convinced Dan to move his desk out of here. Phew! I've unpacked most of my closet, which posed itself as a real problem. We had to go to Target last night and buy all of these organizers. I just don't have the closet space I used to have. Even with the organizers, I can't buy another sweater this year. I haven't unpacked my handbags yet, and I can't find a place for the skinny clothes.
Today, I'm going to buy a CD/DVD holder, which I'm very excited about...and then I'm going to put out all of my beloved trinkets. Dan will be so happy.
I did go shopping on Friday night. It was fun. I purchased some presents for those Fluffy Little Chickadees that helped me with my move. Now, it's just a matter of finding the Ithaca Post Office. I bought a tee, a pair of pants and an orange skirt. It's ugly, too--and when I wear with my cowboy hat as I did last night--I get a lot of stairs. Luv it. Dan seems to like it...he thinks it looks great. I also purchased two DVDs, Blue Crush and Swimming Pool. If you haven't seen either, I suggest you take your butts down to Blockbuster asap.
SO here are my other thoughts for the day.
- Please donate to the victims of Hurricane Katrina if you haven't already done so.
- Please have a good freakout about Bushy having a second Supreme Court opening in four months.
- Please remember that I like visitors and that I'm a good host. (Kimmee I'm v. mad at you.)
Anyway, gots to get me some coffee. Talk later.
P.S. this lovely photo is complements of my super-talented friend AZ-The Ziggah. Looks like Jenni Lee?
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